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Drug testing

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Moist_mushroom22, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. Drug test

    Hi, I just needed some advice. I went in on the 10/18/23 for a drug test for a hospital job I was offered (I used quick fix) I always pass with it. I came back the 23rd to get blood work done and the ppd skin test done. The nurse shows me a paper saying they may have found something in my urine, temp was right and all etc. She tells me, it’s best to wait and see the results before doing blood work and the other test, I told her fine that understandable, she tells me to call her after if I’m able to resolve the issue with the Mro. But she also adds that I can expect a call from Mro in the next few days anyway (she doesn’t know anything about the drug test just if you pass or fail) leaving me paranoid and just upset and if everything is positive they will terminate my employment immediately. She also was just giving a careless attitude at some point but w/e I went about my day, but it was pretty much ruined after all she said. So I started waiting for the call cause it was technically already 3 business days that passed. Fast forward to today the 11/02/23 , still says hired and I can get online for my onboarding, I get no call at all. Hr hasn’t rescinded the offer or nothing but I did notice
    The nurse was tryna call the 24th and 25th I didn’t see the call (my phone always on do not disturb) I didn’t reach out yet cause I didn’t want to go back till near orientation 11/13/2023 but I’m still wondering why she is calling now all of sudden. If it was a positive I would imagine Mro would be the one telling me and they would of called or emailed me long ago to terminate me right? Idk I’m just conflicted…the nurse had me all paranoid at the start but now I’m just confused.
    I want to add she did say to call her back if everything is fine so she can get me scheduled (appointments are spread so thin) for blood work and the skin test…so I’m just surprised she called a day later or 2 like it’s weird but no call from Mro just leaves me confused, my number is clear to understand so I don’t think that’s a problem, I checked my phone calls emails…nothing. I understand mistakes happen maybe that could be a thing but idk.. what to make of this
  2. Dude.. I will be very direct with you.

    1. Stop smoking whatever it is you are smoking (I think CRACK or METH from your wall of text).
    2. Just call them back???????????????????

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