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Drug Testing For Marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Anonymous_Stoner, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. #1 Anonymous_Stoner, Aug 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2014
    What are your thoughts of being drug tested just for pot? I feel like it's a violation of my civil rights to be tested if i smoked a plant in the past 30 days or so.. I can completely understand if an employee is high WHILE working and operating heavy machinary (some people can't handle their shit) And i can also completely understand for being tested for hard durgs such as meth, crack, and heroin.
    But it really disgusts me of how many jobs drug test you just for pot.... I hope for a future where it will be accepted to toke after a nice day of hard work!
    It also disgusts me of how in the United States alcohol is literatly praised and marijuana is considered the "devil's lettuce". I mean the ignorance of this country is making me want to migrate to Amsterdam..

  2. ^agreed^  :) Thanks for posting  :)
  3. And thank you for your reply and support. Keep toking :smoking:

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