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Drug test

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by eatCAMERA, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. I'm getting drug tested pretty soon. I haven't smoked in about two weeks, and in that time i've been drinking plenty of water and cranberry juice. The thing is, I want to smoke tomorrow with my friends. If I smoke tomorrow and then get drug tested next week (it's a cheap strip test from CVS or Walgreens) will I still pass it? I heard that even if I smoke the day before I can just dilute my piss with water and it will be all good.

    Thank you very much; I appreciate it.
  2. hmmm, I posted this exact same comment like 2 days ago, but w/e.

    I got drug tested in my School like 2 weeks ago. It was the tues right after our winter break, so I was obviously smoking. Didn't smoke that much though, only like 3 or 4 times during the week. I passed the test using a warm sink water, midway stream piss, more warm sink water, pube combo...and I passed. I only added the pube, because my friend told me that the lab won't test the piss if it contains a "foreign object"(the pube) .

    Anyways, I had a 50/50 water/piss ratio. I think I just got really lucky and the tests taht my school were using really sucked. Or maybe the lpube really did work haha.

    I would say just don't smoke tomorrow and you won't have to worry about it. But if you really can't restrain yourself from smoking for one week, then just make sure you drink a lot of water and excersice a lot before the test.

    O and is who is giving you the test? your parents, school, job?

    GL either way :smoking:
  3. it isn't being sent into the lab. i'm getting one of the strip tests that you can buy at a store.

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