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Drug Test

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ImFake, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Can a school police force you to do a drug test at school because someone snitched and said you smoked weed? Kind of a stupid question but I'm just making sure.

  2. haha well if it was me and i didn't know, I'd just take a T-break before I come back to school so I can tell them to fuck off when i pass... haha

    I mean I don't know for sure if they can force you to get a DT (I think they can, rights on school suck cock), but the 100% way to pass (just in case) is to not smoke.. I mean what's a sure fire way to not get pregnant.. don't have sex.
  3. In order to drive to my school I have to be signed up for a random drug testing policy.

    Refusal to take the drug test is treated the same as a fail.

    This is beyond invasion of privacy.

    On top of that, they've begun testing for nicotine, and if I fail a drug test for nicotine, I lost my ability to drive to school or participate in extracurricular activities, even though I'm of legal age to smoke cigarettes.

    That doesn't make any sense at all..

  4. Now that is fucking gay. Its not like you can just quit smoking cigarettes.
  5. There's no way they can do anything for you having nicotine in your blood when you're at the legal age for smoking, that sounds unreal!
  6. #6 NaptownClown, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    I know, according to most of the sources I've been to, nicotine is the most addictive substance

    What Are The Most Addictive Drugs? - Blurtit

    And it's not unreal. My sophomore year they rallied us to talk about drug testing and told us that they WERE testing for nicotine.

    At the time I didn't care, but when I started smoking cigarettes that spring, I started to get pissy.

  7. Thats just horrible. I mean come on, cigarettes? Its not at all intoxicating or a distraction. School is fucked up these days man.
  8. Are you in university or highschool?

    Assuming you're 18 years of age since you're on this website, don't you have the right to refuse on the basis you're of legal age? If you're old enough to refuse medical treatment, doesn't a drug test fall into this policy?
  9. I'm a senior in high school.

    I don't know about medical treatment refusal.
  10. If it's a private school they can probably do whatever they want when it comes to cigarettes. That's a real messed up situation though.

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