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Drug Test

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Kayla.lee08, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. I m 5 4 l, weigh 126 and fat% of 26. I took 1 big hit of weed two days ago, how long will it be in my system. I have a military UA in one week. Please help.
  2. why did you smoke weed so close to a military drug test?
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  3. I wasn't suppose to go to Basic till August
  4. Assuming youre going to MEPS, youre screwed, because youll be sitting for probably 5 hours before your test, long outside of the window that sure jell would work
  5. You realize you do all the testing and sign up first, get sworn etc etc. They test you then, then they test once more before you ship out to basic. You don goofed, your recruiter prob told you that info. You prob aren't going to pass, it sucks but that's life.

    You piss hot at meps though and youre pretty much done. The two end options are either you may get a chance to have it waived in one year (which they rarely do) or we go to war again. Good luck.

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  6. So what we're the results?

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