Hi I weigh a hundred eighteen pounds and I'm five foot eleven. I have a drug test on the fourteenth of this month and I smoked four bowls of regular dimebag weed on the fifth, should I even buy B-Clean? Mind you its probation.
I wouldn't waste your money on it. Start doing cardio exercise like running, or just working out for about two hours a day, and stay hydrated. 24 hours before just clean yourself out with water and you will be fine.
I wouldn't waste your money on it. Start doing cardio exercise like playing basketball, or just working out for about an hour and a half a day, and stay hydrated. 24 hours before just clean yourself out with water and you will be fine.
A wise stoner, a few years older than me gave me a great piece of information about probation and drug tests. Heres what he said "You wanna know how to pass a drug test while on probation? DON'T SMOKE POT ON PROBATION!"