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Drug Test Theory

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ShaneScream, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Okay, so everybody probably has their own way of passing a drug test, or cleaning out their system faster. I am NOT asking this question due to an upcoming drug test, I am just curious about something that has crossed my mind lately and I am interested on hearing other people's output on this subject. Do you this would have any sort of effect?

    Okay, Let's say you just stopped eating all together. Also as far as fluids go, only drink water. After a little while, your body will not have calories, etc to break down and digest. Therefor, your body would start eating up and digesting your fat. (where your THC is stored)
    I realize that it would also eat muscle and is just all around not healthy. However, I was wondering since your body is forced to eat up your fat and such, would the excretion rate of THC in your body increase?

    Just something that's been on my mind.
    All opinions welcome and appreciated.
  2. long do you really think you'd be able to go without eating? prolly not long enough to make an impact. and if you just cut back your eating to the bare minimum, then your body will respond, and actually stop burning fat. you'll most likely gain fat, so no. the fastest way to metabolize is the healthy way. balanced diet/exercise.
  3. The release of the THC metabolites of course is tied into your metabolism. And while this sort of fasting might seem like a good idea I wouldn't be so sure. Because fasting won't speed up your metabolism, but it will normalize it if you've shot it all to hell by living an unhealthy life style.

    As kG posted above, eating all your meals, and having a balanced diet. Along with exercise and everything else will be the most effective way to boost your metabolism and get it out of your system quicker.

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