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Drug Test Question [Please Read]

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KiDCuDi561, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. #1 KiDCuDi561, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2013
    Alright, so this is my first time actually making a thread..
    So 5 months ago I fucked up and got caught with paraphernalia, got community service, drug class, 3 page paper on the harmful effects of marijauna, blah, blah..
    Ok, so I'm 5'10 120-123 pounds (yes I'm skinny as fuck, I know).  My metabolism is fast, I can eat an entire cake and not even gain a pound, it's so hard for me to gain weight, I can eat anything!
    I got arrested on December 13th, smoked the 15th, 16th, 17th.  Stopped over Winter Break since I am living under my parents roof and they wouldn't let me out.  Smoked a blunt on January 1st with a friend.  Fast foward a week, school starts up again and I smoked a few times over the next two weeks.  Then I found out I had a drug test on January 19th and I was ripping the bong and smoking all that week 3 days before that test.  I took the test and passed...
    (I never smoke by myself, I'm always with 2-4 other friends, so it's never like I'm facing blunts everyday.  We all match and smoke, so I might get like 6-8 hits off a blunt if that.)
    I met my PO on February 19th, quit 11 days before that because I thought I was gonna get tested, I didn't get tested though.  Smoked honestly whenever I could from after Febuary 19th to about 12 before my drug test on April 8th.   I ran not sure how much but I did, I passed.
    Smoked from April 8th, then stopped 12 days before my drug test on May 13th.  I ran but I was lazy and didn't run as much as I did as I did for April 8th's drug test, took the test passed but showed up for amphetamines because I was popping 2 B-Complex pills a day instead of the recommended 1.  The lady asked me if I was taking any new medication, I said 'No' and she said 'Ok, your clean!  Have a great night'.  And threw out my sample.
    Smoked 11 days (May 13th - May 24th) and stopped again on May 24th (last Friday)  I thought my last PO drug test on June 5th, instead it was June 3rd, I screamed "Fuck" when I found out and ran 10 minutes later.  (This was on Monday the 27th, so I was clean for 2 days.  I've been running for an hour+ everyday now, atleast 3.5+ miles a day (Monday - Today).  While taking 1 B-Complex pill that way I won't show for amphetamines again as I don't want any issues especially on my last DT.  I've been drinking good amount of water that way I stay hydrated and my body can function properly while I run.
    Ok, so far I've passed every drug test..  But I'm guessing since this is my last one and my case is closed I'm sketching out.  And I'll be clean 10 days on the day of the drug test (June 3rd).
    Ok, grasscity here's my real question, do you guys think I'll be ok?  I think I am, I'm just stressing myself out over this, and I don't know..
    -Thanks to all those who read this and replied I appreciate it.
    Also the drug test they use is the Walgreen's 6-Panel drug test.

  2. I also realize that your to stop running and fatten up 2-3 days before your DT to prevent THC to keep being released in your urine.  I think after tonight, I'm done.  I'll eat so much fat shit tomorrow and Sunday.  But with my other drug tests, I never ate any fat food 2-3 days before the test, but I did stop running.  
  3. #3 tnh, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2013
    Don't do anything different than before, if you've always passed then no need to change anything.

    With your metabolism you should be just fine after 10 days though, can you get to walgreens and buy a test for yourself just to double Check?
  4. Smoke a fat blunt tonight. You got this, man.
    Alright, I guess I won't then brother.  Thanks.
    Oh, believe me I would!  But if I fail, I don't want to know what happens...  So I'll just wait 3 days, not that bad.
  8. #8 KiDCuDi561, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2013
    I also forgot to mention the difference from last drug tests and this one is, If I smoked whenever I could from Feb. 19th to April 8th, that's like 2 months of smoking.  Passed from 11 days of stopping.   From April 8th to May 13th I smoked, for what like 4 weeks?  Quit 11-12 days before it and passed. Then this drug test I've only smoked for 11 days...  Then stopped for so far 7 days now and ran so much drank so much liquids, more then I ever did with the last too, been watching my diet, not eating any fat foods, always staying hyrdated, etc.  It'll be 10 days clean on the day of the test.
  9. I also forgot to mention the difference from last drug tests and this one is, If I smoked whenever I could from Feb. 19th to April 8th, that's like 2 months of smoking. Passed from 11 days of stopping. From April 8th to May 13th I smoked, for what like 4 weeks? Quit 11-12 days before it and passed. Then this drug test I've only smoked for 11 days... Then stopped for so far 7 days now and ran so much drank so much liquids, more then I ever did with the last too, been watching my diet, not eating any fat foods, always staying hyrdated, etc. It'll be 10 days clean on the day of the test.

    Ya you're definitely good bro don't stress it. You smoked way more before your first test and you were still only soder for one more day then you will this time..

    No worries :D
    Thank you brother, I honestly appreciate it. 
  11. [quote data-cid='18146572' name='KiDCuDi561' timestamp='1370059249' post='18146572'][quote data-cid='18146362' name='tnh' timestamp='1370056010']

    Ya you're definitely good bro don't stress it. You smoked way more before your first test and you were still only soder for one more day then you will this time..

    No worries :D


    Thank you brother, I honestly appreciate it. [/quote

    Fosho man anytime :)

    Let us know how it goes and post a pic of the celebration..
  12. Smoke one tonight if you are really as skinny as you say. They will probably only be able to backtrack 3-4 days with you.
    If I suck my breath in, you can literally see my ribs as if looking at a skeleton, pretty scary.  I should eat more :/  I'm just a skinny white nigga who loves doing drugs.
  14. I'm curious, how hard is it for you to google "drug test?" It takes two seconds to search, and a couple minutes to find what you're looking for.
  15. Didn't he have the same result here? I'm curious why you felt the need to ask this question.
    Thanks for that very useful post, I did do that?   But I'm skinny as fuck, most people who post those are probably overweight or 150+ pounds.  I'm how you say 'One of a kind'
  17. #17 A Rational Psychopath, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2013
    Again a few minutes of actual research will help you much more than starting another thread on this subject. I just used the forum search function and this came up;
    "1,000 Search Results for 'drug test' as found in Forums"
    Oh well :confused_2:  Too late.
  19. How lazy are you?
  20. soon another little skinny kid will Google that and find this post and find it helpful so just think about it, we're part of that search for a skinny white boy. LOL.

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