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drug test in a few days! please help!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by patm69037, May 24, 2007.

  1. I had a friend tell me that because I'm 5'11 and only weigh 140lbs that the weed will only stay in my system for 2 days. But, I usually smoke a few times every day, I've been smoking again for about 2 months or so.

    I have to take the test on Tuesday, today is Thursday. I havent smoked today nor yesterday, so that will be 7 days smoke free.

    I cant afford a detox kit right now either, I'm broke.

    What should I do? is there anything i can eat or drink for the next few days? Will I be ok? I REALLY need this new job

    Please help me.:(
  2. day before don't smoke and just flush out your system with cranberry juice and water, be sure to piss a lot.

    works like a charm.

    until monday though...toke it up.

    drink cranberry juice and water, BUT DONT SMOKE UNTIL THE TEST .

    if smoke till monday you WILL FAIL, simply put.
  4. cranberry juice, cool. I'm drinking water right now and plan to keep doing so until the test. Thanks guys.

    Keep the advice coming!
  5. if it's a hair test your wasting your time. lol.

    okay serious suggestion- lots of water, and a few drops of Visine in the pee. the cbury works well too... I've heard.
  6. yeah i pretty much have 0 fat on me at all. so 6-7 days of no smoking, water and cranberry and I'm good to go?
  7. why visine?
  8. Green tea pills or Niacin pills -- both will help to flush out your system and keep you pissing all day.
  9. Hey, since you guys answered his questions, I also had a job interview and they said if im accepted they will give me an ORAL drug test, how do i pass that?
  10. cranberry juice.
    nah, i have no idea.
    sounds like bullshit to me. i've never heard of an oral drug test.
  11. They do make them mostly used by Law enforcement agencies and some hospitals.
  12. I read somewhere, I think erowid (or however that's spelt) that oral drug tests only check from 0 to ~48 hours. I've had one, they basically took a cotton swab and let me rub it around the inside of my mouth. It's the easiest drug test to pass because it only checks the inside of your mouth.

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