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Drug test, how do i pass?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HydroHappiness, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Does anyone think strip nc works? it didn't work for me but i think i did it wrong...i was told to drink it 4 hours before my test, will this pass me or dilute?

    or do you think i should get someone clean to piss in a pill container and then i could keep it body temp by keeping in in my balls....this seems legit right?
  2. first of all, when do you need to take this test/when's the last time you smoked? if it's like 3 days between smoking and testing, there's not going to be a thing you can do to pass with your own pee. if it's like 3 weeks between toking and testing, you have better odds with diluting...

    i would just go with some clean pee in a small bottle. god speed sir
  3. yup clean piss in small bottle is definitely the way to go
  4. Just FYI, the only problem with the 'clean piss in the bottle' method, is if the tester person stands in the room with you.

    I got tested for a job a while back and the dude actually stood behind me in the bathroom to make sure there were no shenanigans. I sketched out and just pissed in the cup with my own piss.

    Somehow I passed (had only smoked a little at that time in my life). But thats a separate issue.

    Just be careful and don't under estimate how hardcore the testers might be with the process. Good Luck!
  5. test will most likely be next week sometime and i just did the biggest bong hit you've ever i have like a week tops. One of my buddies just passed of Strip Nc but never worked for me and i know several people who failed from drinking that shit (Strip Nc). The pills ive heard work and don't work also.

    But heres what i think, i think everyone who trys the drink never drinks it 3-6 hours before the test.....anyone ever pass off the body cleansers they sell at GNC?
  6. One time I passed a drug test using a drink called Ready Clean. I also failed using that same drink. So 50/50 odds in my experiences.

    Fuck drug tests.
  7. Take a diarehea in the toilet. Piss in the toilet. Scoop it up. Exclaim "Oh yeah!". Flush. Take out a bottle of Tide and pour it in. Then spit in it. Then hand it in and spill it accidentaly.

    They be like wtf!!!!!!! :devious:
  8. You could have gotten him into HUGE trouble. Unless it's a court ordered (for parole/probation, etc.) test they are NOT allowed to watch you.
  9. smoke while taking your drug test always seem to work, or clean piss inna bottle
  10. if its probation dont listen to anyone on here. If your skinny or not really fat and you got a week to detox do this..

    day1-get on heavy duty clothes and,pushups,jumping jacks, any strong exercise to make you sweat like crazy but stay hydrated so you wont pass out






    day7(drugtest day)-relax

    I usually pass my drug test in less then 5days but use this routine since i dont know your body type weight height ect.
  11. Dont say anything your not sure probation officer goes into the bathroom to watch people piss...
  12. What I did when I had to pass a short notice drug test, was have my friend drive me to the place, we stopped at a grocery store and went into the bathroom and I washed out an unlubricated condom, I had him piss in it and I put it between my legs in a sock, like, in my taint so the temperature would stick. Once they called me in for my turn to go piss, I went in, took the toothpick out of my sock I was wearing, popped it, put the pissy condom remains back into the sock and into my crotch once again (I wasn't sure if they'd check my pockets for anything after I came out, in the case of they'd heard of people doing this and similar things) walked out and the guy told me to go back in and wash my hands.
    I had practiced many methods of substitution beforehand, this is in my opinion the best way to do it. It may sound risky due to the fact that the condom could pop, but they are surprisingly VERY hard to pop, even under the pressure of my fat ass.

  13. This, and drink a fuckload of antioxidating or detox tea. shit that stimulates your liver like garlic and tumeric and burdock if you wanna go all hippy out. also you could look into Fruit Pectin. the shit that they use in canning ya know? I drank it but my probation officer never showed up so idk if it worked or not :O

  14. correct. That is a big no no..

  15. I do pretty much the same thing, but replace the condom with a cleaned 5 hour energy bottle, and no sock.

  16. uhhh, i dont know what you read but that is exactly what he said:

    the only time they are allowed to watch you is if it's court ordered. Job interviews they are not allowed
  17. Well damn, I wish I would have known that! Although I feel like making a big stink about it would have made me seem guilty in their eyes. Oh well, like I said, I passed anyways.

    It was for a grocery store box boy job when I was 16, by the way. I have never been or probation or had any court ordered drug testing done to me.

  18. roflmao, he liked little boys^

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