Drug test help me

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Sonic2840, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. I have s drug test comig up i thnk bj drug test for a matience. Team member if i dtop smoking today and take test. In 7 days will i be str8
  2. Where are these bj drug tests, and how do I get one?
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  3. Bj wholesale club wondering uf i stop smoking now will 6 days cover me.
  4. Depends how often/much you smoke.

    If it's just on the weekends, maybe.
    If you're an all day every day smoker
    you might have some problems.
  5. So my best bet is to use clean piss huh you kno a good way to it
  6. You can come clean in 7 days, just drink a gallon of water a day, workout every day, and buying a detox drink always helps.
  7. No water doesn't help THC clear out of your system, you are just putting extra strain on your organs. The only way is to get fake urine, or wait for your liver to do its job. 7 days definitely is not enough for most, only way to tell is get a in home drug test and see before the test. Please don't pour your money into one of these many products that don't work. Save yourself the money and stress, get fake urine or wait it out. Working out can be a option here as well b/c THC is stored in fat cells but can only help so much. You can drink water before the test to dilute your urine but that's the only time when drinking a shit ton of anything will do you any favors. most tests can tell how warm and if diluted your urine is so be wary of that

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  8. I'm 19 150lbs and I piss clean in two weeks, daily smoker male. Rule of thumb is 30 days for a constant user, though your body is unique so we can't tell for a fact. Let us know how it plays out, sending some good JuJu your way. Cheers

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  9. I'm 250lbs and it takes me about 60 days to pee clean. I have to take randoms for my job. As long as your test isn't supervised, I have always had good results with Quick Fix 6.1. You can get it at any good head shop or online. :smoke:
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  10. i took a test at labcrop April the 27 I don't smoke anymore but I be around people that smoke I took one niacin and had lots of water I still have not got my results back

  11. just so you'll be ready
  12. Get some QuickFix. You can order two day shipping and it will be there in time for your test.
  13. help me
  14. Three times I used a Urine Luck type formula that Headlines sells. Just follow their directions but I remember not having more than a few days off the weed. Really does work. Cost about $30 Never failed a urine test.

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