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Drug test at Boeing

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by just one toke, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Hey all. I know drug test questions are usually really stupid but idk I think I just need some support to really quit or maybe some reassurance that I'm not fucking up a good opportunity...

    So basically I'm applying to this Boeing internship for the summer that I'm basically gonna get for sure that pays $28 an hour full time so like 10k over the summer, but I filled out the official application last week and I had to agree to a drug test. I have no idea when it is so I decided to stop smoking last week. That lasted until the weekend when I smoked a fuck ton with friends on Friday and a little on biggest thing is I don't know when the drug test is gonna be, it could be in a couple weeks or it could be in a couple months or it could never happen(though that's probably unlikely). Idk I really wanna smoke but I feel like I'm jeopardizing a really good opportunity. My plan is if the drug test comes too soon and I'm not clean long enough then I'm gonna use the condom filled with clean pee trick, but I don't really want to do that...

    I am thin so I figure it will leave my system fairly fast and my plan is to only smoke a little on the weekend from now on so that when the drug test comes ill be able to get clean fast but idk. Should I just quit now? Or should I bank on the pee in a condom trick? I'm gonna get a home drug test to get an idea of when i get clean but I figure they might have lab testing so there's would be way more sensitive...idk I really love smoking so it's been hard to get out of the habit of smoking with friends...
  2. Just stop smoking altogether. Better safe than sorry especially with a situation like this.
  3. What's more important to you? Smokeing pot and haveing a good time or a shit ton of money. If your really want this job then it should be worth it to take a break from bud. I don't think the condom trick has a 100% chance of working because i think they can check the temp of the piss but i don't know a lot about drug test. Anyways its completely up to you if you prefer to chance not getting the job over weed or not. Also there is other ways to get fucked up like salvia lol.
  4. 1. Stop smoking until after the drug test.
    2. Eat a lot of food.
    3. Drink a lot of water.
    (2 and 3 will help to flush the THC out of your system).
    4. Get the job.
    5. Smoke like there's no tomorrow!
  5. Ya I think you guys are right. I'll probably just stick to stupid alcohol buzz or nothing until after the test :(...

    Fuck alcohol, legalize weed federally...
  6. im sure the condom trick would work but anything can happen id just take a nice little T break until the DT.

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