sorry if this is in the wrong place move it if needed. i was arrested last friday because i was searched with a bowl and a grinder on me, the ticket that i recived after leaving jail only says drug paraphanlia and not 2 charges so i was wondering if this is only one charge or two also i was looking on the internet for what im going to recive once i go to court and it says 750 - 2500 fine, and\or 1 year in jail. this is the first time i have ever been in trouble with the law before what is the chance ill get jail time. and will i get a big fine or small fine. thanks for the help i really apreaciate it
It's 1 charge. How would it be two? Doesn't matter if you have one item of drug praf on you or twenty, the next charge up is a felony Rarely, ever, are the fines for weed use as strict as the maximum. Though be ware they might charge you some cash, just to get some cash into the system. The jail fine is very unlikely. Why would they want to pay for you to live somewhere for that? If you live in a small town, they might be stricter. So I guess that is a factor. Play it cool. Tell your story. Don't lie. The less you lie on your first offense, the better, heh. Just be one of the millions of Joe Schmoe's who smoke weed, and well don't screw up in court, and you should be fine. exactly why Marijuana being illegal is fucking retarded.....
I find it funny you can get a year in jail for just paraphernalia when you can get a year for gun charges. But you'll probably just be fined, not jailed.