Drug Czar Kerlikowske, Obama admin and legalization

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by CREAM, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. Rolling Stone: Drug Czar Kerlikowske’s ‘Striking Reversal’ On Marijuana | NORML Blog

    This striking reversal is a head scratcher, but, in my opinion I think there's a pretty obvious reason for this.

    Health Care reform.

    It has been all over the news that in the Obama administration has been courting insurance, pharma and medical lobbyists to gather support for health care reform. Surprisingly, his biggest ally thus far has been lobbyists and not even his own party. As he gets desperate to get his keynote legislation moving, and for good reason, he increasingly gives up power to the lobbying groups that know they have the ball.

    Wouldn't it be more than a remote possibility that these lobbyists, who stand to lose significantly from marijuana reform...to demand Obama resist, diffuse and hold up marijuana reform, legislation, etc?

    While he did quietly end raids for the most part, a complete about face has been apparent throughout his term. And now his drug czar who had previously spoken with far different tones, is now suddenly acting up...something is funny.

    So what do you fellow blades have to say? Is health care reform seriously hijacking marijuana reform short term and long term?
  2. The lobbyists are probably paying both Obama and his Drug Czar money under the table to say that marijuana has no medicinal value.
  3. Must be the only logical explanation after the countless number of studies which prove that it does in fact have medicinal value. Marinol would not be prescribed if that was not the case.
  4. Fact: Something only has medicinal value if pharmaceutical companies can make a profit off it.
  5. Follow the money.
  6. It nearly gives me a hard on when I hear them say "smoked marijuana". That ladies and gentlemen is called grasping at straws. Medical marijuana per the doctors recommendation is not supposed to be smoked, it's supposed to be vaped or eaten.

    So they say smoked marijuana to make people believe marijuana has no medical use, however those man made THC pills are amazing because you don't smoke them. So then there is no need for medical marijuana because we have made something better,

    You at least have to respect how good these cocksuckers are at manipulating...well everything, the general public, science, logic, and freedom.

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