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Drug Czar calls for and end to the "War on Drugs"

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MyNameIsBud420, May 14, 2009.

  1. actually just stumbled upon it thanks to you, great find:D
  2. According to wiki, a Czar is;

    "... A ruler who claims the same rank as a Roman emperor, with the approval of another emperor or a supreme ecclesiastical official."

    Apperently this guy is the Caesar of drugs.
  3. "The administration also said federal authorities would no longer raid medical-marijuana
    dispensaries in the 13 states where voters have made medical marijuana legal."

    OK the tenth amendment works again, that is good

    "The analogy we have is this is like turning around an ocean liner," he said. "What's important is the damn thing is beginning to turn."
  4. it was a good move to stop using the term: "war on terror." it's a great move that an even more archaic label, the "war on drugs," is not only being eliminated, but also its implications (and failed policies) are shifting towards the better. keep it up Obama administration.

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