Is it just me or is there a huge drought in London at the moment. No has any dank, just the normal crap and I havent picked that up for the last three years. Apparently Birmingham also has a drought..... Is ity just my connects that have gone dry for good bud or is that the case with other people??? I'm dying for a smoke but refuse to pay for shit!
For the last 4 days nobody i know in Bristol has anything. None of my the 4 main dealers i know or the 3 other people. I've been calling up random numbers who i've been given and nothing, i'm talking ringing about 10-15 people and nothing at all. Got told today by one of my main dealers should have some stuff in withing the next day or so.
I'm in Kent, right on the Thames and shits gooooooood right now.. Was dry a couple of weeks ago though
Sounds like there must have been some major drug busts in the uk then, especially if the rest of you are having difficulties. Well at least it makes me feel a little better
Finally got some weed Sunday some average at best stuff tbh. Got me blazed though. Then grabbed an 1/8th of some nice bud, looks quite good and smokes great. Just finished up smoking a home made bong on my back step
Yea i was in the same position as you, for about 2 weeks there was nothing decent around in north london for about 5 days you could literaly get nothing, not even shitty weed or soapbar i must have spoken to 15 guys and none had anything. glad its back to normal now though, puffin on some nice white rhino right now
Things are getting back to normal. There was ounces of shark attack available in Birmingham last week, but way too much at 190 There is some cheese around london, but these are mainly wet and poorly cured...not the proper stuff.
Can't get hold of much fire up here Glasgow way, plenty of good nepalese/goldseal black (£30/q) but only asian weed going about (mids)
Hmmm there was a bit of a drought here a few weeks ago but it's all good now. aparently my dealer has got the grade So gunna go pick up a Q of him later Enjoy your saturday English blades.
Haha a friend phoned me up out of the blue this afternoon and offered me some Jack Herer, £10/gram unfortuately tho !
Godamn, you guys are making me jealous. I still can't find any good weed in Norwich at the moment. Tomorrow night me and my buddy are having a 'dealer finding night' where we're gunna ring up every stoner we know and try to get a new dealer lol. Every night I think I find some weed then then somthing happens to spoil it. Like tonight I was supposed to get a quater off of a friend of a friend, then when we needed it his phone was turned off and he never called us.
there was fuck all about my area past couple weeks except some wanker selling £10/gram, gonna get some in like 20 mins now though, good old £25/8ths
I picked up 2.8g of dank for £20 a few days back, it's lasted me 4 days and I'm only half way through the bag, that's a record for me, which shows just how knockout this stuff is
LOL London is a huge city man, just because your dealer doesn't have any weed doesn't mean the whole damn city is dry.