I'm a senior in high school and am seriously contemplating dropping out to get my GED and attend CC. A little background about me: when I was a freshman in HS (private school) I failed, repeated freshman year and did sophmore year at that school (total of 3 years), then transferred to complete my junior and senior year at the public school I'm currently at. This is my fifth year of high school, and my GPA is very low. Even if I complete the year, I will have to go to community college next year before I can start going to a four year college, which is ultimately my goal. I want to drop out to get my GED and start taking classes this spring so I can be a freshman in the fall. I really am not learning and feel like I haven't been for most of my HS career. I'm a smart kid and pay attention, but classes aren't teaching me anything. I know this is a serious decision that will affect my future and I've thought about it for a long ass time, but I'm really leaning toward dropping out. I can't bear sitting through stupid classes for 8 more months learning nothing and wasting my time. My question to you Blades is will this negatively affect me in the future? I repeat, even if I continue my senior year, I will have go to CC for a year before I can go to college. So why not get a head start and start now?
yeah I mean as long as you're gunna do it it does work out I have a few friends that dropped out junior year and started comm college in what should of been their senior year while some senior graduated to go to the same school. so it can get you ahead just dont let it back fire. right now most jobs wont care if you have a ged or hs diploma as long as you're in college you'll be good
Because giving up to find an easier way does not teach you to appreciate the work required to achieve a goal. You have accomplished nothing at this point in your life. You must start somewhere.
agreed, dont give up, a high school diploma looks much better than a GED. Also, theres probably a reason why your GPA is so low? maybe your not applying yourself very much?
OP I graduated from the bottom of my class, I'm currently in a university transfer program to the best public universities in my state. Basically I goofed on in high school, I start caring about my grades in my freshman year, and then next year I'm going to end up at a school that 85% of my high school couldn't get into. You need to look into various programs offered through other colleges. I would recommend staying in high school, then check out various public schools in your state to see if they offer other methods of admission (Such as going to a special CC for a year then gaining automatic transfer admission). Looking at the future it's probably better to have a HS diploma as opposed to a GED, but I doubt it'll matter much after you get your undergrad degree.
Unless you're getting drafted into the NBA there's no really good way to spin dropping out of high school You're only a few months away, just stick it out A GED may technically mean you're smart enough to have graduated, but everyone knows it really means you didn't have it together enough to do it right
If you were in 10th grade and knew you couldn't do it, I'd suggest finding alternate means of education..but..seeing as your in your senior year, just stick it out. When your older..8 months doesn't seem so long. If you take the initiative and speak with your teachers so they know you wanna graduate..they'll make sure you do. I have some friends that dropped out and have a better career then I'd ever dream...I also have a friend who dropped and never did anything..he has a job but he's trapped and with a job market the way it is..it's nice to have options. Good luck with whatever you choose and don't be afraid to ask the people around you for help.
The GED is actually harder than just graduating highschool. Your a senior, suck it up for another 8 months and you'll pass without having to put in massive study effort for a GED test. Plus your still gonna have to wait to get your GED and would be starting CC around the same time, it's not like your a sophomore trying to get ahead, my guess is that you just don't want to go to school, and if you suck at school subjects and can't pickup the pace and study to pass, your gonna fail college too. I know some highschool subjects seem useless, but guess what, your not gonna be taking all classes your interested in in college either, your gonna have to take some prerequesite classes that you'll never use again just like in HS. If you cant motivate yourself to do good in the easy HS classes your not interested in, it's not gonna be any different in college, humans are creatures of habits. If you slack in HS, your gonna slack in college to a degree as well in the "boring" classes. summary- stay in fuckin school kid, it'll be worth it and alot easier.
i dropped out (technically, i just called the school before my "5th year" and said i wasn't gonna be showing up, ever) and got my GED a year later. there has been no noticeable change in how potential employers review my applications, so i would say having a diploma is necessary. sorta doing the self-employed thing right now, and while it has its perks, its hard to find work. so my advice would be to get the diploma and go to college.
Do what you want to do. Just make sure you think ahead a little bit. Having a GED does not hold you back, I have plently of friends in good colleges who didnt graduate. I know the feeling though man. I dropped out my senior year and got my GED. If your bad about procrastinating i would just stick it out honestly. Oh yeh, i have a good job and earn a nice income. Edit: Once you have your degree potential employers arent going to be looking at GED vs Diploma in the hiring phases. Just keep your gpa up once you start your higher education.
@OP Check out this thread on that very subject; http://forum.grasscity.com/general/676199-chat-about-life-decision-me.html
You really shouldn't drop out... just tough it out, you'll survive it. However.. I didn't complete high school and I got into college. Lol. I was only 2 credits away and had all my english and math so it was no big deal. Might've been nice to finish and graduate with my class, though. Idk.
I gotta ask, and I don't mean to sound like I'm picking on you by saying this, but if you're a smart kid and pay attention like you say, then why is your GPA so low? I mean, my GPA wasn't exactly great in high school. I did skip a lot of classes and there were some that I just didn't give a fuck about passing. But I think it was still pretty average. How are you on tests? That was my thing, is that I did great on most of my tests but I didn't bother with a lot of the homework and daily classwork. Luckily I had a couple teachers who decided to give me C's when I didn't deserve them, because they realized from my test scores that I knew the material despite the fact that I didn't do the work. Maybe there is more that you can learn there and you just don't realize it. And hell, if your parents are anything like mine, just suck it up and graduate for them. My mom cried when she found out I wouldn't get to walk at graduation. I failed Economics and had to re-take it that summer at the CC before I could get my diploma. I really didn't give a shit about not getting to walk at graduation until I realized that I had made my mom cry because of it. I blamed my Economics teacher at the time, because I was only 2 percentage points away from passing the class and I was so used to having teachers that would say "oh, you're only 2 percent away, I'll give you some extra credit work to get you up to passing level" But this teacher didn't do that, and I hated him for it for a long time. But it was my own fault. I skipped that class all the time and never did any of the homework. There's always more you can learn there, man. Even if you don't feel like you're learning anything from your classes, you're learning just by being there. I say stick it out. I don't have any problem with people who choose to get their GED instead, but having a high school diploma just sounds a lot better in the real world than having a GED. And you say you only have 8 more months left? C'mon, it's not that hard to stick it out for 8 more months.
Stay in school, it wouldn't be wise to leave now. You won't regret it, but if you drop out you can't undo that.
dude, your in senior year. your not supposed to learn anything, your just supposed to get out at noon and smoke weed all day. then the next day sleep for the first 4 classes then get out at noon and smoke weed all day. and occasionally go to the beach or play frolf and a ged is not the same as a diploma. yes, people do care about that shit.
Too right. People definitely do see the difference between GED and a diploma. A diploma tells people that you stuck it out for all 12 years of schooling and graduated. A GED tells people that you gave up/dropped out and eventually decided that maybe that wasn't such a good idea so you went and got your GED instead. As much as it sucks, that's just not gonna look as good in the long run. Senior year, dude! Senior fucking year, and you can't stick it out for that much longer? C'mon, you've been in school for 11 years now, you can make it through the last year.
I dropped out and got a GED. I'm starting CC next month. I haven't had any problems thus far concerning my decision.