I got some strips off of a buddy of mine in trade for some pharms. I thought they were fake, little pieces of cut up paper I thought. Well they weren't. I took one tab during school and my legs went numb along with my vision being blurred. then when I got home I blasted some music and dropped two more tabs. I heard indistinct voices so I know I was trippin, but it wasnt spectacular.. so I suspected maybe they were shitty or old strips. so I went and got more the next day. This time I got 5 of them. I dropped two. didnt feel shit, then dropped 3 more in 15 mins and only felt a faint head change. I don't get it... it was not very eventful. please tell me there's way better acid out there
that sounds like terrible bunk shit man. first time i did acid i took 2 tabs and tripped hard for like 12 hours.
you cant redose with lsd like that. tolerance builds hella quick. you should wait at least a week or two to drop again.