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Droopy Leaves

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Lukaszade, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. This plant is about 3 weeks old and the leaves seem to be drooping a bit. The top leaves are affected the most. The others aren't that bad. Any help is appreciated. 1460219632673-1868049251.jpg
  2. Usually, they droop when they've been watered or if they're dry and need watered. I can't see the soil or tell much about the plant really, by the picture you've got here. It looks fine to me. My question is your soil. Are you growing in formulated grow soil or are you growing in off the shelf soil and does it have AT LEAST 40% perlite in it? If not, your soil is too dense and it's holding too much water around the roots of your plants. These plants hate to have their roots in moist conditions, thus the requirement for light and arid soil to grow them in. With no better picture and no more information, it's a total guess. TWW
  3. I doubt that it's a watering issue. The soil is only off the shelf regular stuff. Is there anything that I could do to the soil at this stage? Thanks for the answer, there's some solid info there.
  4. 14602328170262072850597.jpg
    Here's another pic.
  5. It looks overhydrated to me.

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