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droopy leaves question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by gotexans, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. ok so my seedling has droopy leaves . i would post a picture but the iphone app is messing up and not letting me post pics. any reason why these leaves may be droopy?
  2. Did you even try googling "Droopy leaves"? You'll never guess what shows up first.
  3. Overwatering is the first sign of droopy leaves! You need to give your plant some drying time inbetween watering. Only water when your soil is dry, usually every couple days.
  4. Droopy leaves can be one of two things most likely it's either over watering OR under watering.

    If it's underwatering you'll be fine you can just water it. But if it's over watering all you can do is wait.

    If the leaves seem to be shrinking and they feel dry and crispy it's under watering.

    feel up the soil.
  5. It's a seedling, It's common for seedlings to have droopy leaves because they are undergoing so much stress in this stage of there life. They've just been cut off of there life support and told to live on there own with nothing. There sad as fuck. It's like if your insufficient knowledge of electrical wiring in your grow op started a fire, and your house burned down. The fire investigators would find your grow op, you would not get your insurance money you burned your house doing something illegal. Your job would fire you. Your job is no longer collecting money to support your family, its to support yourself because you have nothing besides the warmth of the sun and free water. Your family and friends would ridicule you, and you would have to live on your own without any support but what only you can provide with what you have. Slowly, you would be able to regenerate, you would grow and find a whole new job that would support you, and eventually you would grow into a strong healthy plant just as good as you once were.

    Clones are suppose to be droopy, Or your under/over watering them.
  6. [quote name='"Fluorescence"']It's a seedling, It's common for seedlings to have droopy leaves because they are undergoing so much stress in this stage of there life. They've just been cut off of there life support and told to live on there own with nothing. There sad as fuck. It's like if your insufficient knowledge of electrical wiring in your grow op started a fire, and your house burned down. The fire investigators would find your grow op, you would not get your insurance money you burned your house doing something illegal. Your job would fire you. Your job is no longer collecting money to support your family, its to support yourself because you have nothing besides the warmth of the sun and free water. Your family and friends would ridicule you, and you would have to live on your own without any support but what only you can provide with what you have. Slowly, you would be able to regenerate, you would grow and find a whole new job that would support you, and eventually you would grow into a strong healthy plant just as good as you once were.

    Clones are suppose to be droopy, Or your under/over watering them.[/quote]

    The question was about seedlings, not clones. Seedlings should not be droopy.

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