Growing a single indica in a waterfarm, (2) 125w cfl warm spectrum, using GH aggressive bloom schedule with kool bloom additive. Temps are 73-78 day and about 64-68 night. Today is day 15 of 12/12 and I notice this morning that the new fan leaves are looking soft and droopy and the older growth leaves are curling under. Other than that the plant has been doing great. This is my first grow of any kind. Any suggestions?
Do you have your pump running on a timer or is it just on? If not on a timer try 15 minutes every two hours. (times will vary depending on conditions) Cannabis likes air and any time I used a waterfarm this is how I got good results. Many strains will get "overwatered" in a farm if running 24/7.
also, that isn't anywhere near enough light for high production. The benifit of hydro is it's ability to process more/faster. Light is a deciding factor in plant production. You might be better off in soil if only using cfl's. I have a friend who uses CFL's and t5s to flower in hydro and his shit is always really airy/fluffy. When he rocks soil the flowers fill out better.
Im a nube and when it happened to me, I shortened my time with water on them and took two waterings a day away from them. The problem was gone within the week.
I found the same thing, now I am flooding 3 times a day 6h apart, going all night dry and the leaves are starting to uncurl... overwatering is overfeeding.
so are yo talking about when the roots are just above the water? and you have the pump on then turn it off? or are the roots in the water, like submerged? wouldnt more air to the roots be better for them?