drooping seedling...

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by housefullOweed, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. #1 housefullOweed, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2010
    Sorry for the shitty quality camera its all Ive got atm Ive got the plant under 24/7 of 4 27 watt 6500k CFLs and the plant has been doing fine for the previous week but it seems to be getting more finicky by the day for the past few days, the plant is in a modified version of vic's super soil.

    original recipe
    3.8 cu ft promix
    8 cups Bone Meal
    4 cups Blood Meal
    1 1/3 cups Epsom salts
    3-4 cups dolomite lime
    4 cups kelp meal
    25 lb bag pure worm castings

    My modified recipe
    2.8 cu ft promix
    1.0 cu ft ffof
    8 cups Bone Meal
    4 cups Blood Meal
    12.5 lb pure worm castings
    25% perlite

    I have dolomite lime but i have not added it because both main sources of soil seemed to already have it in to buffer PH, i can get Epsom salts but i have not added it because i do not how much i should add to a 16 Oz cup for my seedling... And i do not have access to kelp meal so i replaced one cubic foot of promix with 1 cubic foot of FFOF because it claims to have a feast for micro organisms available...

    Watering schedule

    sept 21 1 seed sprouted watered soil before planting seed

    2nd watering 24th

    3rd watering 27th

    4th watering 30th midnight

    5th watering 1st 10 pm

    As i said everything has been going well accept for the last 2 watering's on the 4th watering i noticed my plant looking droopy and i watered, with in 2 hours it picked its self up and stopped looking so depressed. On this last watering though the soil was crisp for the upper inch and the plant was looking slightly droopy and with in 15 minutes of me watering it seemed the whole plant was about to collapse,.

    I took pics and I'm hoping some one out there can advise me im pretty sure it can't be over watering because all accept the last time i have waited 3 days until the soil was crispy to water and the leaves are not yellowing on me.... Im hoping its just some under watering and not something wrong with my soil but im also thinking maybe i should be transplanting, but I'm not sure cause i don't want to attempt to transplant it untill its got enough of a root structure to hold everything together....

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  2. #2 housefullOweed, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2010
    Oct 2nd 5AM i transplanted to a 1 gal pot i watered the new soil before transplanting into the new pot hope every thing is looking better tomorrow. When i pulled out the root ball it seemed to have roots going all the way to the bottom but did not seem to be close to being root bound because i didn't see roots twisting to the bottom of the cup and the bottom 1/2 inch or so of soil was loose.
  3. Just realised i made this in the wrong section can a mod please move it to the sick plants forum?
  4. :wave: Did the transplant help? I have my girls in bigger pots befroe they reach that size, so it could be that.

    Good luck :smoke:
  5. Here is what it looks like today... it looks a bit more healthy but the leaves are still drooping pretty badly.

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  6. #6 housefullOweed, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    Well i believe i fixed the problem i added 2 tbsp of pelleted dolomite lime that i crushed with a coffie grinder at 5 am this morning and the plant is already looking better. I am not sure that the lime caused the effect though because i have read that powdered dolomite lime can take up to two weeks to start changing things and its only been 15 hours.

    Also you can see in these pics that the leaves seem to be twisting at the tips almost like the effect TMV has on leaves...

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  7. That is a classic sign of Nitrogen (N) overload.

    Way too much worm castings...

  8. #8 housefullOweed, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    Really? I have half the amount of EWC recommended for the soil and i was told that the original mix would have been fine for seedlings. I do see what you mean though with the claw leaf, and warped leaf growth it does look like nitrogen toxicity would be the problem.

    So what should i do now flush?

    Sorry im kinda nub this is my first plant ty for the help in advance.
  9. Nitrogen is the "N" in nute burn.

    Of all the elements and compounds that we use in our weed growin, N is by far,
    the most overlooked and "trusted" nute. But it can be a wolf in sheeps clothing :devious:...

    Too much will give u the classic claw and reverse canoe shape of the blades.
    Advancing further, that "too darka green" look appears, and from there it
    will start the chemical burn stage. Close to Nitric acid, but not quite.

    Sometimes the content of N in worm castings fluctuates, depending on what type of composted matter they are feeding on. I farm my own worms and find that it fluctuates all the time. Sometimes rich, sometimes weak (and I'll still have to augment lol).

    This is what pisses me off man: Ya, I'd flush, but it sends everything else out of wack.
    Ya know what I mean ??? Just have your Ph meter close by.

    Or, u could alwayz transplant...lotsa work lol.


    Theres no way around it
  10. Well i was considering flushing but now that you say it can throw every thing else out of wack i dunno, i don't have a PH meter i use a PH test kit and its a bitch to get a reading on and i don't have any other soil ready for it i have 4.0 cubic feet of this soil. As i said though it looks better than it has for a few days so i think im just gonna keep an eye on it and if i notice any burning or any more sever effects ill start flushing.

    Thanks for your help man
  11. I grew in Vic's super soil for years (the soil mix you are using) without issue. Seed to harvest it worked on all kinds of strains.

    Try making a true batch of Vic's super soil and transplanting into it. Do your very best to match each ingredient. It takes some work to find all that stuff in a pure form, but well worth it.
  12. #12 housefullOweed, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2010
    Thanks again for the help guys, well its been 9 days since transplant and the plant seems to be relishing in its fresh pot of soil it has doubled or tripled in height and width and the leaf twisting similar to TMV has gone away, but as you can see the drooping is still present at the very tips of the leaves. Also i just remembered something that may be what caused this issue i realized the other day that i failed to moisten the soil before germing my seed in it could this be what has caused my problem?
    What is the purpose of wetting the soil 2 weeks prior to use is it to active all of the chemicals and then allow them to settle?

    One final question how long should i wait to transfer from this 1 gallon pot to a 3 gallon pot? The plant is 20 days old, has been in its 1 gallon container for 9 days and is 6" tall and wide.

    Thanks for the help in advance

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  13. #13 housefullOweed, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2010
    Well i went ahead and transplanted into a 3 gal pot with amended soil, root structure looked good not far from root bound, but the plant got really droopy when i watered as it always does.

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  14. What's the temperature of your water at?

    My plants used to droop everytime I watered them, couldn't figure it out until I changed water sources and it went away. I realised that I had been shocking the hell out of them with <60f water.

    She's definitely looking much better.
  15. Well it should be room temp i believe around 72-74 degrees but im not sure, i might try keeping the jug of water in my veg room which ranges from 78-84 degrees to see if that helps at all.
  16. i also have a drooping seedling i was wondering could it be the same issue:(
    im not feeding mine any nutes yet coz theyre about the same size as urs is that ok?
    could i be over watering them?
    or maybe its too warm?
  17. #18 housefullOweed, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    Well i checked on my plant today and it appears to have grown an inch since yesterday so it must be liking its new home, it also looks like it recovered quite well from watering. One thing i did notice though was some deformed growth on what appears to be a branch on the bottom of the plant, its very green almost yellow and looks like its about to die im guessing, this is because of lack of light. [​IMG] [​IMG]

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  18. ill try and upload pics later on
    ive been watering twice a day since the soil was constantly drying out
    how ever within the last 3 days the soil has retained alot more water and also it is in that time that the seedling has started drooping
    the water is put on the ladies at room temp
  19. Well this time when i watered i sat the jug of water in the grow room for a few hours to warm it up, and used 2 tbsp of black strap molasses, the plant did not droop when i watered. The deformed growth is effecting all of the branches being shaded by the fan leaves they are working there way threw to get to the light though. I topped on the 12 and am just now starting to see the new growth forming, every thing seems to be going well accept the tips still have the claw look.

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