Drooping plants help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Easygreen, Jul 1, 2023.

  1. Hey guys been growing these for about 3 months. Have been droopy for about 1.5 weeks. I think it's to do with water, iv let them dry out and fed sooner then I should of but not changed the droopy leaves. No signs of being hungry or nute burn.. I don't know what to try next.
    Humidity around 65 - 70 temps no lower then 18 degrees. It's quite cold here being winter. I can only feed once every 3 days. im goin off how dry the top is and how heavy the pots are when I water.
    Lights on 16 off 8

    Using canna coco a&b Water to waste.
    Under 800w led bars @ 50% light intensity maybe 50cm from canopy.
    In coco with fabric pots 30 / 70 perlite
    Ph 6.0 - 6.5

    Any ideas of things to try be much appreciated. Or if anyone's had same problem and fixed it. I'm confident it's watering but not sure which way it's wanting to go. Less or more.

    Attached Files:

  2. You're treating your coco like soil.........they look hungry.
    Coco should never go through a wet/dry schedule...........it causes salt build up.
    Coco basics:
    Feed daily to substantial run off........you could feed twice a day considering the size of your plants.
    Never give plain water.
    Never, ever let the coco dry........it should always be saturated.
    Use a pH around 5.8 - 6.0..........6.5 is soil pH.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  3. Damn alright thanks man I'll try change it up iv always heard conflicting things when I research about feeding coco.
    Some say feed when the pots have dryed up abit u can go off the weight of pot but if your feeding daily that doesn't really matter..
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Good info thanks heaps I'm going to change everything up starting tomorrow. And I never knew about pre charging the coco ill also try this when I repot.
  5. Why are you repotting?
    You can grow a tree in coco in a 2 gallon pot.
    What size are your containers?
    Here's one grown in a solo cup.
  6. Oh not the ones I showed you iv got others on the go they are going into 5 gallon finishers.
  7. Hahahah that's crazy for a solo cup lmao

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