Drooping Clones

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Chronitron, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Hey guys. So I left for ONE night and I come back less than 24 hours later to drooping wilting plants. I checked the rockwools and they were dry so I watered them. Now, I've brought clones back before but never under a deadline. Do you guys think clones have the potential to bounce back from being drooped (not cripy dried out, just drooping) in less than 24 hours?
  2. This is exactly what happen to me today, ovenight look what I saw.

    Can they be saved? I transplanted the seedling to a 10" pot. Lets prey she/he makes it

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  3. That can be saved for sure. Mine were even further along than that. Im talking leaves sucked all the way into the stalks. All 28 that did that did come back though.
  4. i got some clones from the cannabisclub out here and they have been drooping for a week now.
    they dont seem to be growing at all.

    thats why i prefer to grow from seed. clones can have many problems.
  5. Saved! :hello: I guess the new home worked

    a 10" pot and some fresh soil w/ ferts. I can relax for now:smoking:

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  6. Ok is this a hydro grow? My mistake was, I over watered the plants and the cups did not have good drainage. It needed nutes and fresh soil. Can one of these be the reason.
    keep me updated
  7. you always wanna put holes at the bottom of everything you use to grow bud in.

    no drainage = stunt growth and maybe mold and nasty shit in your soil can grow.

    big pots + good soil + good drainage = good MJ
  8. seeds can have just as many. My mistake was not watering something that should have been watered on a 100 degree day. All 28 of the clones that were wilted are now alive and vigorous as hell.

    I forgot the hit the multi-quote but to the guy who asked if it was a hydro set up, they're just clones in rockwool. They haven't even rooted yet. Just some clones in a clone tray under a light.
  9. mine have been droopy as fuck for over a week.
    i water regularly just as i would to any other plant i have.
    and they still wilting out of their ass

  10. Ok Was asking cause I have little to no experience with hydro. But Im happy :hello:. your babies are healthy again. well we can confirm that droopy is caused by underwater/overwater.

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