Driving With NO Insurance

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by NeverMistakeMe, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. Been driving for 6 months without insurance, been pulled over at least 6 times during this period and they've never asked me for my insurance card.. Anybody else drive without? Lol

    (and if you didn't understand what I just said, it basically means that I am scared of speed bumps)
  2. #2 BlazedGlory, Mar 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2015
    Good luck man, but I can't help but think this will come back to bite you eventually. And if you actually get into an accident, well, god bless ya.
  3. You're a cunt. I'm sorry, but it's true.
    If you have an accident, the person you bump into/who bumps into you will not be able to claim on your insurance.
    Think of the children. 
  4. Fuck that, I'm insured...I don't want some asshole I wreck with ending up owning my house, or getting a huge monetary judgement against me....
  5. People like you are why I have uninsured motorist insurance, so whatever. No risk for me. But for you, you can wind up with court judgments against you for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they won't go away until they're paid. Let's say you hit my car in traffic and total it (which is pretty common now days, cars total easily) and me and another passenger are injured. My insurance company will take care of my car, and give me and my passenger max pay out which for 2 people is usually combined to be $100-150k minimum combined. My insurance company will now go after you for all of that money. You can run, people do that, but that only helps my insurance company. When you don't show up in court the judge awards them everything. Even ridiculous things they ask for, as well as adding fees and fines on top of it as punishment. So now you have this enormous debt that will always be there until paid off. If you on real estate or a business, they'll put a lien against it. If you have a background check done on you for a job or something, this judgment will be there against you and most people won't hire someone who's skipping out on a court order. Until it's paid off, or at least set up a payment plan and stuck to it you will likely never have credit again. Unlike consumer loans, a court judgment never leaves your credit report until it's paid off.
    So, good luck with that if it works for you.
  6. Asshat.

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  7. How horribly do you drive, that you get pulled over 6 times in 6 months?
  8. Lol this thread didn't go well for OP.
    I don't drive but i agree. Keep it legit man. Don't give stoners a bad name. Plus that's really shitty karma if you do get in an accident.
  9. I've drove for like 15yrs without insurance just once a year when I have to renew plates and if we got caught it was just a 250 fine which only had to pay twice in my life..now its a misdemenor and I got pulled over for the first time in forever which I got a charge now for..I have a felony I want expunged and you can have 2 small misdemenors and still get it expunged so now I have to have insurance...sucks but I had a good run lol
  10. thats the real question, im a 20 year old black guy in a beat up grand prix and ive NEVER been pulled over *knock on my desk*
  11. #11 BlazedGlory, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2015
    I'm callin' the po right now with your license plate and description.
    Should've known better than to DWB [​IMG]
  12. when you do it dont let them get me on tuesday, i normally pick up on tuesday 
    "Buys weed every tuesday too Officer"
  14. i always thought i could trust you man [​IMG]
    Nah I'm just joking you can ride with me, even though it might spike my premiums XD
  16.  the funny thing is i live in a very WASP and jewish community and still have somehow snuck on by. but yea i will fuck your premiums up real good 
  17. Yea, not buying it. The first thing the officer asks for is your ID and proof of insurance. Unless you live in the fucking slums somewhere in Brazil, you'll be asked for proof of insurance.
  18. good for you, too much governmental influence in our personal lives
  19. Wow the majority of the people on this thread are judgmental as fuck. Calling someone a cunt for not having car insurance, something that literally has nothing to do with you. Other people you may crash into not being able to take a claim on your insurance is not a valid reason of why you need it, insurance is literally just a scam. Simple contracts or affadavits could very simply solve the issue that stems from a car crash. If I crashed into someone and didn't have insurance I would give them my information and arrange some time to meet with my lawyer and write up a contract to pay them back every cent and obviously use a little diplomacy to apologize. If someone got pissed at me for not having insurance after a wreck they would regret it. Going without insurance is something a lot of people are forced to do just to get by in this shithole of a country, insulting them and making personal attacks isn't going to solve a damn thing.
  20. Algore: Ya my bad about accident. I dont have insurance so heres my address and a couple of hundred bucks. WE GOOD RIGHT?

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