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Driving THE speed limit?

Discussion in 'General' started by XPiRX, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. I realized whenever I'm high that I drive the speed limit that is posted for that road. I don't pay attention to the speed limit signs, or at least don't remember looking at them. When im sober Im a pretty safe and careful driver, but I usually drive ~5mph over the speed limit at all times. When im stoned however, my brain automatically drives at the speed limit even if I try to not drive the speed limit. Its like some auto-safety feature I have in my brain that gets turned on when im high. :smoke: ... Or maybe the people who make up the speeds for the roads are high when they test drive the roads for making the speed limits, haha

    Does anyone else get this?
  2. no

    but then again with a turbo in the car its illegal to drive under the speed limit.
  3. When I'm stoned and driving I'll very rarely speed. Its a combinatino of not wanting to get stoned with a car stinking of smoke and the fact I'm more relaxed, my mentality being I'm gonna get their anyway why not just cruise? 70mph on the motorway is fast enough anyway, any more and my car starts drinking the petrol :mad:
  4. I never speed when I'm high... Then again, I hardly ever drive the speed limit when I sober.
  5. Nah, I haven't smoked in months and I always drive the speed limit, maybe I might go 5 mph over but I never speed intentionally.
  6. I get so into driving when im high, it gives me such a different high. I do drive the speed limit also. Im more focused and what not, but everyone makes little mistakes like slamming on the brakes or running a stop sign lol.
  7. around here
    if you drive the speed limit, you can be pulled for looking suspicious
    and if you drive 5 miles over you can get pulled for speeding
    so i try to drive 2-3 miles over the speed limit

    such bullshit isnt it
    our speed limits are always with 5's at the end
    eg. 35, 45, 55, 65
    i feel like they intentionally did this so that they could pull over anyone anytime
  8. When I'm sober, I'm usually going 5-15 MPH over the limit depending on where I am.

    When I'm high, totally different story. My friends have yelled at me numerous times from the passenger's seat. "Dude, you're going 25 in a 45.."

  9. i knows what you mean. i've seen as high as 70/75 driving out to johnston county. i cruise at 90 out there.

    but yeah, i've been pulled for absolutely nothing. the po said my license plate didn't match my vehicle even though it did. he let me go a few minutes later but it's still bs.
  10. cruise control is a stoners best friend. I use that shit all the time. Just get up to the speed limit, and push the button. Don't have to worry about speed at all.
  11. yesterday i was on the highway and i was so fucking high while driving. i was incapable of driving over 38 mph. no matter how hard i tried, went up to 55, i kept going back down to 38 mph after a couple seconds. it was like my brain was forcing me to go that slow.
  12. i love and obey traffic laws like none other, but i do get road rage, old people driving 30 in a 45 all day around my parts
  13. hahaha this happened to me last night

    my body physically wouldn't let me drive faster than like 37 in a 40

    it was kind of a mindfuck

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