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Driving test while stoned

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by The Nickatina, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. An idea just ran into my head. Me, and many of my friend can drive stoned perfectly, if not better. Since marijuana doesn't affect reaction times. I say that the government should let people drive under the influence of it if they pass the drivers test while stoned. They will put a little pot leaf on your license so you can show authorities that you can drive while baked. Just an idea haha, very baked. But, I say if someone can pass the test while stoned. Why shouldn't they be allowed to drive? Does anyone else actually drive better while high?

    This is after the fact it's legalized of course.
  2. [quote name='"The Nickatina"']An idea just ran into my head. Me, and many of my friend can drive stoned perfectly, if not better. Since marijuana doesn't affect reaction times. I say that the government should let people drive under the influence of it if they pass the drivers test while stoned. They will put a little pot leaf on your license so you can show authorities that you can drive while baked. Just an idea haha, very baked. But, I say if someone can pass the test while stoned. Why shouldn't they be allowed to drive? Does anyone else actually drive better while high?

    This is after the fact it's legalized of course.[/quote]

    I've for real though of the same shit before. I'm right there with ya man. I personally enjoy driving high and I drive manual. Shit's soooo fun.
  3. aahh if only dreams came true =] but i drive everyday smoking and am a much better driver even my sober friends have pointed it out, i used to have a lead foot and was over all less cautious but im prlly so cautious now mostly in fear of getting pulled over and getting a DUI for fucking pot.... Any who i actually got my license while stoned haha
    (bragging follows)
    if i may say so myself my maneuverability skills are on point =] i drive a 1999 buick le sabre but i whip that boat i manage to turn my car around every night stoned in this one crazy driveway (duplex housing L shaped driveway with like 4 cars =/ 1 lane driveway with 3 parking spots ) i've nvr hit a thing and everyone else backs out and askes the guy parked in the lane to move but i just squeeze past haha srry i rambled on but its one of the only useful skills i have and it shows smoking doesn't necessarily have to impair your driving
  4. I too have driven around many many times while stoned. One day, after a month tolerance break, I went over to my friends house and got higher then I've ever been in my life and drove back home with no problem whatsoever. The only issue I had was deciding what tribal seeds song I was going to play.
  5. Maybe someday... maybe.
  6. I don't think so Nick. In fact, even bringing that up makes me think that you probably don't give a crap about legalization. I think society has gotten to a point where more folks than not realize weed is a pretty harmless substance and can be very beneficial in some cases - EXCEPT for the attitude by SOME people that they are good as sober to drive after smoking.

  7. I think it could proven though that people are more cautious while driving high. When I'm driving high it feels like I'm going faster than I am then I look around and notice everyone is passing me. While High I usually go the speed limit or under, while sober I typically go 5 over the speed limit
  8. that made me laugh lol... put a little pot leaf on your liscence if you pass the test stoned lol :p atleast you said you were really baked lol
  9. Hell ya man, I drive a '98 Le Sabre, had it for almost 7 years now, it can maneuver that thing like an F-22 Raptor. That car fits me like a glove, especially when high. :cool:

  10. chill, it was a stoned idea, and just an idea. i wish i could do something about legalization, but everything i have done has failed. i live in utah, and it will be the last state to legalize.. i've sent endless letters just trying to get medical
  11. That would be cool.
  12. i wouldnt say you drive better. i mean you are intoxicated still. but i think the same thing haha you should be able to drive high, whos ever died from it haha!
    it does affect you but you compensate by not going as fast. i can do 80-100 in 45 mile zones sober, 40 is scary haha. i do 80 on the interstate sober, 60 when high and its kinda fast but its ok.
    so you dont drive better you just drive safer but since your intox its about the same as driving normally.
    and i drive high alot haha. it affects you but i drive fine when high, still slow though haha.
  13. I swear people have amazing ideas while stoned.
  14. How the hell did you ever graduate from the sand box?
  15. #15 The Nickatina, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    Im sorry you didn't get enough attention as a child.
  16. I love driving high but it sucks when there's traffic, the best is late at night in Atlanta when there's no cars and I just drive all over the place like fuck lines man.
  17. Driving high is the best. Especially on the long ride between where I live and where I go to university. Go night driving baked out of my dome and listening to music. It's relaxing and makes the ride way more enjoyable, but it doesn't negatively impact my driving at all. :smoke:
  18. I cant do this when im stoned, well I can but I suck at it. My car went sideways at about 100kmph when I hit black ice and I had to have quick reaction time to recover. I find when I smoke and drive I just zone out and almost day dream. I would rather wait the 15-20 min and spark up at home. Don't get me wrong I still drive high, just not if im going on the highway.

    I don't start having fun until about 42 seconds in.

    [ame=]Snow Drifting & Fish Tailing My Tercel - YouTube[/ame]
  19. [quote name='"Slammo"']

    Hell ya man, I drive a '98 Le Sabre, had it for almost 7 years now, it can maneuver that thing like an F-22 Raptor. That car fits me like a glove, especially when high. :cool:[/quote]

    lol @ the LeSabre
  20. Smokin weed and driving is very fun

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