Driving home, super stoned on the road. Police chase. Holy fuck.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Solid State Society, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. I was driving home from a massive friday bong session with some friends just a while ago. And while I was driving home, I heard the sound of police sirens so I'm thinking "fuck I'm getting pulled over today"

    So I start pulling over to the right side of the road, and the police car just wizzes by me. I'm so fricken baked and I could not believe that just happened. Big trip. Then 4 more cop cars wiz right by, as they sped by my car, to my left, a Challenger comes FLOORING it down the street, makes a right and goes back up the street where the cops came from. Then all the police made a U-Turn and started chasing him again. My god that 2010 Challenger made engine sounds like it was farting after too much taco bell.

    Couldnt believe it. I was scared shitless so i quickly absorbed what just happened, started my car and called my friend to tell her what happened.

    pretty funny night.
  2. haha dude i love when shit like this happens, not to often for me but when i does im just like yeah 8D

  3. yea, i love when my life and others are put on the line because someones being stupid aswell. nothing beats it.
  4. i wasnt talking about the car chase. i was implying getting pulled over only to have the cop fly by. Especially when you have friends in the car, its a goog laugh. i should have been more clear.
  5. Nice, what a cool thing to see. Lucky it didn't happen to someone you knew though, my friend had to see his boy flip his car while he was tripping.
  6. sounds like someone stole a challenger.
    I thought i was getting pulled over once when i was high, but then like 3 or 4 cop cars went past and 2 SWAT units.. it was badass, apparently there was a armed bank robbery in progress 4 blocks away..

  7. I lol'd so hard. +rep


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