So I was wondering if me and my friends were the only ones who do this.... I was driving one of my friends home after smoking the vape and a few blunts (aka we were blazed). We started having a random conversation about him getting a car and really nothing serious simple conversations. And as I was pulling up to his house I said "hey these are the conversations people have when they are high and driving home because they don't want to start real conversations that will last a while." And we instantly decided it was true. Anyone else realize that you have very intellectual conversations when you know the person isn't leaving but when you know you are dropping them off you don't want to begin a true conversation? Sorry if that didn't make sense.
Haha yeah man i know what youre saying. Whenever it gets close to dropping them off or whatever you dont want to be engaged in any actual conversation that would be awkwardly cut off.
i get what you mean. Usually when i get to my house me and my friends or whoever will start talking about something. and sometimes the ride there is quiet or the radios just on. weird how that happens.
You are not alone. When I was hotboxing in a car with my friend, we started talking about touch screen chicken... and I said.. "there's no way in hell we would talk about this if we were sober". and he stared laughing and said "fuck yeah dude!"
Yeah, me and my friends were talking about it again and realized that if you talk about conversations high when you are sober you'll wonder why those conversations even started.