Hello City, I was just thinking about when I pic up weed, I drive by two police stations there and two police stations back. Kinda Ironic huh? (I need a new route)
It sucks when your high and you see some poor smuck getting arrested or pulled over. I cant help but think "fuck.. that could be me"
Luckily the forms in RI for medical marijuana were released april 1st, so soon enough I will have the right to transport it to my house.
when ive got my bullet packed, i make a point of taking a hit when i drive by cop shops.. it just looks like im lighting a cigarette the way i do it
Im in a simular situation myself acually when I go to my buddys house to smoke he lives beside the cheif of police for my citys house and I have to park before his house and walk to my buddys right past his house. In the summer hes out doing stuff in his yard and what not I walk past him bud on me, bong, pipes, joints you name it its scary hehe keep it all in a backpack. spokey
i prefer chance .... that is getting close at all to the police ... and definitely not intentionally drive by one while i was carrying .. or smokin my 1.2 cents
i think that even when i'm NOT doing anything wrong. Fucking cops. See what they do to ya?? Scare you even when you're not breaking the law....or 5 over even...
you know i guess how the cops are depends where your from. where I live cops don't seem too bad. I've yet to have a run in or pulled over for anything but when I was speeding. It sucks if you live where cops are pricks I imagine. I mean I see some of your guys posts about getting your balls busted by cops and I actually feel bad.
One of my friends lives in an apartment above a police station. It's just some place they go for paperwork or something, pretty small, but there's always a couple cop cars parked in front. Usually three or four on the weekend nights. It sucks.
I parked my car in front of a cop shop, because there were no parking spots in front of the headshop so I had to go around the block. Needless to say I had no idea it was a police station. Bought a mini zong, started to smoke in my car, then two police officers come out, take my peice and leave me. Luckily I only had one bowl worth of weed. eric
yea i kinda feel you on this one going to my friends house i pass the main police station in my town but just like many others of you we always make sure to light something up as we pass it also a undercover cop lives essentially right across the street from him a black cwon vick heh o well another day
My dealers house is a street away from the police station...Cops around here couldnt give a fuck if ur holding weed or stoned.Theyll either tell u 2 move on n have a good night or if u get a cunt copper he'll take ur weed n smoke it himself.
hahahah, reading that, and then see the clapping hands around youre name applauding you, haha that was hilarious
yeh me and Sir TokeAlot sometimes smoke across the road at some bushes from the cop station and we hav yet to be caught
my next door neighbor is the cheif of police for my township and across the street is the Fire Dept Cheif. im surrounded