guys, i dunno what to do. an hour ago me and my family were sitting on the front porch when a black mercedes droveby and shot the shit out of my parents and sister! i narrowly escaped because i ducked right away...i really dont know what to
First you post this BULLSHIT in Recreational Marijuana Use, and now you are posting here in Real Life Stories... Don't be a shithead joker and post your bullshit elsewhere. peace and happy tokes
I didnt even notice this was another drive by claim.. yeah, why DONT you post something more constructive. like how your not a cop or something cool like that.
i think he likes haveing a dick in his ear.... and i still havent gotten the latte stains out of my shit yet ither so what should i do ? who gives a fuck about your drivebys anyway? we dont all we want to do is smoke pot and laff at each other !!!!
you would have been more believable if you had told us that you had killed your family and wanted to tell someone about it