
Discussion in 'General' started by jminnich500, Oct 1, 2008.


    and im not that fucking dunk

    ahhh hoyyy maties im going to sleep and onto an adventrue since my flu has passed and there wont be any fucking bears or there blunting me up
  2. bullllllshit you canNOT beat the boot!

    go back to england you bloke!
  3. im a fat american though =[ and you can conquer the boot anywhere with the help of ebay
  4. well in that case go eat a fucking hamburger and a steak whitey
  5. LMFAO! comon wheres the love, ill bake you cookies and we can sit down and share our culture over a nice plate of sushi.
  6. i've got 15 cans of beer

    i wish i could exchange them for a bag of weed

    i don't want to drink alone so i have to wait for a party to bring the beer to
  7. take it down pass it around 14 cans of beer on the wall, comon lets finish this song
  8. [​IMG]

    watch yoself jm put a satchel on my windowsill and you wont be harmEd

  9. yes sir, im sorry if i angered you *bows down* and runs off
  10. damn straight dont you EVER make another stupidass thread without the permission of OneLoveRasta

    remember that name


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