Drinking Sucks Dick club

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by amsterlanta, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. .....are YOU in too?
  2. No; instead I'm in the "people who can't appreciate the positives of alcohol suck dick" club.
  3. I don't think alcohol sucks, as long as you use it correctly.
  4. I can appreciate a few beers and 2-7 bowl packs together. I've still never blacked out and gotten shit-faced drunk, but i've gotten tipsy and I usually stop before I feel like puking which is why i'm guessing i've never blacked out and gotten THAT drunk before.

    but the hangover still requires medicine.. :smoking:
  5. It leads males to perform homo erotic activities with each other.

    What could suck moar.
  6. Did something happen you'd like to share about?
  7. If your not in the club GTFO
  8. After a lot of work I'm about 4 months sober, and while I won't say alcohol sucks I definitely don't have any business consuming it.
  9. I'm not sure I agree with the principle of this club or the reasons behind it, but I choose not to drink. I don't like anything to do with it really, other than the taste. The "high" is horrible, IMO. Its a very cheap feeling.

    BTW, I've never had a bad experience with drinking either (i.e., falling down, blacking out, throwing up, etc). I've drank probably a dozen times and everytime I felt that it would have been better if I had smoked some bud. Just not my kind of feeling and I think it is VERY overhyped.
  10. It is over hyped isnt it? I mean it is just a bs high, horrible really. Yeah I want to feel like a stumbling idiot that can't function, I'll also be hating myself since alcohol is such a depressant.

    If a dude approached you tommorrow with this new strain called "depressant", would you buy it?
  11. i'll join your club, but im not burning my bridge with alcohol....
  12. I would buy it. I would have to try it out.
  13. ya, even though I made the alcohol appreciation thread I know what you mean. I totally prefer a euphoric downer like opiates. the alcohol high truly isn't worth the damage it does to your body.

    pretty much don't like getting just drunk unless I'm at a big party with girls and stuff. otherwise it's usually just a couple beers with my weed/boomers/lsd. or sometimes just a couple w/o another chem. getting a heavy buzz outdoors can be kinda fun, too. but, idk....getting drunk in civilization can be kinda bad for me. last night I got drunk with my friend(who can really piss me off from time to time) and I ended up having my hands on his throat and on the verge of punching him in the face. :eek:....not good. I'm on the verge of doing stupid shit when sober, and drinking can put me over the edge. weed does the opposite, and I realllllyyy need that effect from time to time.

    love a good beer, though. good whiskey, too. :D....oh, red wine, too.:D:D
  14. It is over hyped isnt it? I mean it is just a bs high, horrible really. Yeah I want to feel like a stumbling idiot that can't function, I'll also be hating myself since alcohol is such a depressant.

    If a dude approached you tommorrow with this new strain called "depressant", would you buy it?
  15. I hate drinking. It NEVER feels good to be intoxicated like that. I mean you are literally putting a poision into your blood stream...
  16. ^ you already asked that question lol.

    And yes i would buy it...well probably not cause if some dude randomly talked to me and was like hey buy this new drug called depressant. I would be like what the hell kind of name is that?
  17. drank a 40 oz an hour ago.
    fuck you.
  18. Drinking suck major dick.

    The "high" at it's best feels like fever induced delirium without the cold sweats.

    It makes people do seriously stupid thing. And not stupid like eating the whole house down - stupid like passing out behind the wheel and killing a family or having unprotected sex with IV drug users.

    It makes you throw up. It destroys your liver.

    And the worst thing about it is that a parent can come home from work everyday, get drunk, be a dick, pass out, and completely miss his child's life - and never be considered a social outcast or worry about the cops busting him.

    But at the same time, a guy can come home from work every day, smoke a joint, play video games with his kids all night, and one day get busted with a couple of ounces in his car, and go to jail, lose his job, and possibly even have his kids taken away from him.

    The worst part of alcohol is that it is legal while pot is not.
  19. Alcohol is, IMO, the most sickening drug out there.

    The fact that, compared to most illegal drugs, it is far more crippling, and that fact that it is advertised as glamorous. That is, by far, the most sickening thing about alcohol. That so many people just consider it a 'drink', and don't respect it as a drug.

  20. Umm... What?

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