Drinking alone; that big of a deal?

Discussion in 'General' started by Riophamus, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. I want to first start off by asking - how many of you blades SMOKE by yourself?

    I loved smoking by myself, but sadly I can't afford to do this anymore.. Due to legal issues and such. Anyways, I've been drinkin a little bit by myself, and not even every night.

    Just last night I had about 4-5 shots of soco and I was ready to go to bed.

    My question is, do you blades consider drinking solo a big/bad ordeal? Or do you view it the same as smoking by your lonesome? I honestly don't see the difference. Especially because if you smoke or drink with other people I tend to drink/smoke a HELL of a lot more than when I'm flying solo. 4-5 shots of soco I woulda been barley feeling anything and wanting to go with about 10 more shots till I went to bed yaknow. :cool:

    Whats your take on the situation?
  2. alcohol is a depressant. If you are in a bad mood and drink alone..who knows what could potentially happen. I your in a bad mood and you smoke weed, youll most likely chill out and listen to some tunes. imo
  3. ^^ I just get loud(er) and play video games more hardcore :cool:
  4. Man, i just drunk a whole can of beer by myself and i have work tomorrow.
  5. I don't really see it as a big deal if it's just a little bit like you say.
  6. how are u typing? u should be wasted.....
  7. I drink one to three beers and smoke. Just get enough buzz and play games all night. Chit chat with people over xboxlive. Ah, gotta love life. ;)
  8. I've done this a few times alone, both times I became super depressed, guess it depends on the person.

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