Dried too much but still fire?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by NoaLeaF, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Can someone explain how some purple haze dried to 45% humidity- my dehumidifier ran out of water maybe several hours or half a day def not a whole day ....Im surprised at how fast it went from 60% it was on day 10 of drying.... so my question is what I've read is that 60% humidity is pretty good for when you start curing, I even have a wood moisture meter that I use to help guide me, so how does this still taste really good at 45% humidity? And is curing definitely over? I once read anything below 55 but just saw something that states below 40.....how does this taste so good already not even really cured and gets me super ripped..........goes against everything I've learned.
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  2. Simply put....if you dry too much, no cure will happen. 58-62% is where I like to be for a good jar cure.
  4. Once I harvested a couple but had a couple that were not quite done. I didn't notice until 3 days went by that I'd left a large branch from a harvested gal in the grow tent. 3 days of 12 hour late flowering intense light and I thought it would be toast. Just like yours, this was absolute fire. Taste, smell, buzz. Had it all. I've actually always wanted to try that again as an experiment, but I always forget.
  5. Thank you for confirming Ive smoked for many years and this bud has it all taste smell high I dont get it.....its as if was cured 3 weeks and I just let it dry after that....it literally was deprived of humidity on day 10 of hanging for several hours....and poof magic fast dried and cured weed you couldn't tell the difference....Im going to try with another plant I think......I actually like how it breaks up and smokes better than regular cured weed when I follow all the rules.
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  6. Here's a pic

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