hello everyone i guess i will jump right into it - i smoke just about every day. i might not smoke a day here and there but normally it's one or two bowls a day at least lol. anyways, when I stop smoking for say 2 days, the night of the 2nd day i will have many dreams. they aren't bad dreams by any means really, just dreams. about things that happened that day, things that were on my mind, etc. the same thing as any other dream really. but i've found that days that i smoke, i don't dream those nights, but when i stop smoking i usually dream the entire (or most of) night following. i'm not worried by this, i don't think it's a sign of withdrawl or anything of the sort because I am fine when I am awake and not smoking. Does anyone else experience anything like this?
We dream every time we fall asleep it's just some dreams we don't remember. I defiantly have some pretty intense dreams if I had smoked that day.
i had a fucked up dream where i was having a bad trip on acid or something and i looked in the mirror and my face was changing from scary masks to demons and shit and i was hearing fucked up noises and i want to get up and look around my room but for some reasons my body wouldent move then i woke up all sweaty
I smoked last night before bed and ended up having some crazy dream where my family and I went underwater in a big tank. I could feel the pressure building in my head as we descended. It got really painful and I decided to close my eyes (in the dream) and pretend the pain felt good. Then I woke up.
i usually dream if i smoke or not sometimes i remember a single detail or i remember vividly, really what decides if you remember or not is whats going on in the room when you wake up, if nothing is happening you have more time to remember if you wake up to an alarm or something of that sort you forget right away
I had a dream last night (night 2 of my T-break). It was about me and my friend fucking with a random kid at a party by setting an alarm to go off while he was sleeping. We woke him up, and he was pissed! We ran outside only to be greeted by 8 kids with a bunch of baseballs. They started throwing them at us and just as I thought I was going to get hit with a baseball, I woke up. It probably doesn't sound cool, but it was super vivid.
Generally when one tokes, especially around bedtime, their REM cycle that night is cut significantly short. The REM cycle is the part of your sleep when dreams occur. There is also a phenomenon called "REM rebound" that means when you have not gotten enough REM sleep in the past while, your body will have extra long REM cycles to make up for the loss. This is why when people take T-breaks they often get very vivid and memorable dreams for the first while of their T-break, it is their body undergoing REM rebound.
It happened to me when I originally quit, My guess is your body becomes adjusted to THC when it leaves your system MY GUESS is that your body ups the DMT.
I know how it is man ! it feels as though i know that im doing everything in the dream and its just all so strange. like last night, it may sound strange but i'll use it as an example. my bed is right against a wall and in my dream for some reason i was laying in my bed holding a picture frame against the wall and then i dropped it down the side of my bed against the wall, and at the same time that occurred in the dream, i woke up and dropped my phone down the same spot .
This is exactly what happens to me. When i stopped smoking i started dreaming very very vividly. Now that i smoke again, i havent dreamed in a few days.
Smoke or not, my dreams are irregular. Sometimes I'll wake up and remember having a vivid, detailed dream, but most nights that doesn't happen.
yeah when i dont smoke i have the most vivid random crazy realistic dream.. i love dreaming tho its my favorite part of the day
I dont remember any dreams when i smoke before sleeping. When i dont smoke, i have vivid realistic dreams that i can remember for years. Most of my dreams happen mostly between snooze button hits.
I haven't smoked in a few days and last night I had three separate extremely vivid nightmares. It was so awful.
The last two nights in particular I've had pretty vivid dreams for some reason even though I've been smoking. Last night was so incredibly fucked up, I had a dream that my mom killed my dad and then me and my two sisters had to go on the run with her to avoid cops and shit...as I said it was pretty fucked up and scary too, especially since my parents get along really well
for me, it takes about a week or so after i take a break, i start having the fucking most amazing dreams ever