Well, My whole life Ive had very Real and Strongly Vivid Dreams. After waking up I could recall these dreams very well and I still remember some from 7 years ago. I cant control anything in my Dreams though, Its like someone is planning my dreams for me, Maybe Jah??? Im very disturbed by these dreams though, there always on matters that are very sensitive to me. And its like they have a deep undertone. Ive been reading about Lucid Dreaming though and I would like someone to explain this to me simply. This would mean alot to me!!!
Kinda of, I get Nostalgia when I remember these dreams, which are often, and I also remember past memories for no apparent reason, which also gives me Nostalgia. Why??
describe for me this "Nostalgia" feeling you mention..... because i know a few things about how the brain works...and how some things are tied together.... it may be nothing more then intense dreams..... but i am strongly curious about this "Nostalgia" would you say this is a strong feeling? can you describe it? when you say "past memories" how far in the past......
This Nostalgia is like a type of Suffering I think, Its kinda of like haunting me. Some memories are back to when i was only 4. These memories are neither good or bad. It could be as simple as me playing with my friend at the Campsite we used to visit. When I randomly recall these memories, it gives me a type of longing for the past. A very weird feeling, I feel asthough Im the only one who understands it. Please help if you can
idk if i can "help" but i may be able to give you some information..... i always felt like i was the only one who understood.... you see....all my life i would get these feelings..... almost like a head rush from standing up to fast..... only much more intense.... and i would see and hear things that noone elts could see or hear..... things from memories and from dreams.... i first described it to the doc as almost a "flashback to a dream ,mixed with memories" when this would happen i would get a strange feeling in my stomach.... a taste like copper in my mouth..... i would describe the feeling more like dejavu then nostalgia... the feeling i had been there before felt this before heard or seen or dreamed this before....for me it was never a bad thing...for some it is....but what you describe sounds similar enough for me to ask more..... describe for me the feeling you get ...the part you think no one will understand....as best as you can... i could spend day describing the hallucinations i have had...during these episodes.....
a lucide dream to me.. is simply when your in limbo.. when your peeking through your inner eye.. your minds eye..you see the reality.. so it really isnt a dream more like slightly waking in another dimension thats always their... check out DMT on youtube... joe rogan explains it the best
i only had 1 dream in which i could influence what happened. i vaguely remember it now but ill try to say what happened. <fuck it i'm too high and it was a few years ago but it was cool as liquid nitrogen though.
Well First off, I get these flashbacks of my memories or Dreams randomly, nothing happens to me physically, but I get this very weird feeling in my head, like almost in my Soul. It feels like an ancient feeling given to me by some greater source. The feelings makes me very sad and like almost depressed, almost into a trance, these might last from 30 seconds to a whole week. Every memory or flashback isnt a bad memory or good memory, just a random one. Its very intense and ive spoken to my doctor about it. He simply stated that he couldnt help me. Very Strange world
i get the same way. i can still remember dreams from when i was like 7 years old. the dream was jesus walking up the stairs of my grandmas house. i also remember my recent dreams too.
ive had these occurances happen to me... its a phase of being reborn... in my case it waseent a dream i was wide awake when i fell into a state of nirvana.. a random imgae kept replaying in front of me untill i whited out... to be honest i thought i was being abducted by some sort.. because before it started to happen i can feel my vibe sky rocket.. my vision brightning up and completley overwhelming me.. i woke up in the feedle position with my ipod on...on my bed not remembering what happend after that..
I hate it, but I also dont mind it at the same time. Its very different. I cant even comprehend how I could explain the full extent of it. I would like to be able to have lucid dreams so that I could try to figure it out.
Very Intense Man, Thankgod i know im not the only one. I take it very serious. I beleive it to be like my suffering, but at the same time it purifys me. I beleive in the Rastafarian Lifestyle but they dont speack about such things. It seems like no one does. All I know is that the Truth sets you Free. I need the truth to this.
have you ever experienced any type of "blackouts" a regular doctor wouldnt know where to start...you may want to consider talking to a neurologist.... i have had them back to back for months on end...... this may have nothing to do with what you are experiencing... but if you are concerned enough to have asked your doc.... then do some research and decide for your self... if you want to rule this out for sure! or know if this may be what you have for sure! talk to a neurologist... just so we are clear.....partial seizures that start in the temporal lobe....do not cause twitching..... if you are really interested i can give you more info...or just tell you were to find it....
Idk if this would be considered a Blackout but when I get in these trances. I feel like im Blacking out from the world, like everything else is nothing. I just live within these trances. I almost feel tempted to do something seriously bad to myself when they go on for too long. Ive talked to neurologists about this when I got my brain scanned, Turns out I have a bad case of ADD. My ADD seems to dissapear when I smoke the herb though, and my trances diminish so there arent as often. They used to be like every day multiple times. I do beelive this to be some type of Relegious experience and not soemthing connected to the brain, As my neurologist didnt have an explanation for these "feelings". Its so hard to describe. But they bring on this Haze of Unworldy Feelings. I accept them as neither bad or good, but that still doesnt take away from the sadness it creates.
you can take your happenings in a spiritual direction or in a human direction... just remember everything happens for a specific reason..
the more you can deal with the reality and not need to hide the happenings with pills the stronger we become.. "Have no fear for atomic energies, cuz non of them can stop the time" - Bob Marley... these vibes cant kill you.. they just make you stronger..