Dream Log

Discussion in 'General' started by Huey_Freeman, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. I am going to keep a pad and pen by my bed so that when I wake up from a dream and am in that kind of half awake, half still dreaming state I can write the ideas down. The best ideas always come to me in that short period of time and I forget them before I write them down.
    Anybody else keep a Dream Log?

  2. I'm always too tired to do anything but fall back asleep when I wake up from a dream
  3. That's actually a really good idea, I've been meaning to do this but haven't gotten round to it but it is supposedly a good way to evaluate your dreams because tippy shut goes down sometimes lol
  4. Trippy shit I ment
  5. I did for a long time when i was lucid dreaming. It's a good practice. Now i have night terrors and take medicine to forget them :laughing:
  6. I sometimes have reoccuring nightmares of t-rex from Jurassic Park or sasquatch in my dreams..LoL! They try get me but I figured out how to control it, and "change the channel" on that dream.
    My lucid dreams are pretty fun most of the time.  I dont write my dreams down, though sounds like a good idea.
    :laughing: These are different than a bad dream. Like screaming, cursing, throwing punches, jumping out of bed, etc when asleep.
    I used to have amazing lucid dreams everynight. I miss it alot.
  8. Oh man, that sounds horrible I didnt realize night terrors were like that! Try thinking happy thoughts and positive things before bed, usually sets me up for good night.
    I love my lucid dreams. I don't know how some people can just "close their eyes and wake up" with no dreams.
    Ya it's pretty ridiculous :laughing: back in the day i suckered punched my ex in her sleep once aha she was pissed. Now i take PTSD medicine to keep em in check.
    O man idk what i'd do if i just fell asleep and woke up. I need that adventure and break inbetween. Used to take melatonin to get crazy dreams. It works really well.
  10. Lol sucker punched.. Oh man thats a nice alarm clock. I woke up crying once, and I didnt remember what caused me to freak out in my dream. Haha
    I eat a lot of fruit and veggies that has melatonin in them. That probably contributes to my vivid dreams! You nailed it though, I definitely need a dream vacation from reality some nights.
  11. I used to keep one and after reading this thread, I'm going to start one up again tonight. Will post if I end up recording a log of any dreams.
  12. Loool i dont get em anymore but i also had reaccuribg dreams of a trex chasing and trying to eat me! Scary shit
  13. I did for a period of time for about 6 months 2 years ago, but then I stopped. probably for a similar reason as not treasuring/giving value to photographs
  14. I don't write it down I actually just remember the most vivid parts. But I get how writing them down and seeing correlations from one to the other might lead you into understanding/ meaning of dreams.

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