Dream Interpretation

Discussion in 'General' started by Bluebonic, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. People of Grass City, gather 'round for I have a special request. Have you had any dreams where some weird as shit happened? Have you experianced any of the aforementioned events inside your dreams? If you have, please share and say what you think they mean! Doing a psychology paper, the more the merrier :bongin:
  2. This one time I dreamed I was chasing this guy, he went inside a building, and I looked up and he was ontop of said building. Well I magically jumped ontop of the 10 story building...

    I guess this means I really wish I was black :confused_2:
  3. I dream of very very crazy and insane things. It leads me to believe I'm losing my mind because it kind of freaks me out sometimes.
  4. Once when I was in middle school my dead great grandpa came to me in a dream riding one of those small ass cars those old guys with the funny hats ride (cant remember the name) and gave me a stick, this happened at my schoolyard. the next day at lunch I was walking along with some pals and I found said stick, or at least one that looked exactly like it.
    I freaked out for a second, then thought that it was probably my overactive imagination and threw said stick at my friend.
  5. #5 knospe420, Mar 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2011
    I haven't smoked in a while so I always have dreams that I'm getting super blazed so I'm guessing it means I miss weed:(
    Also while I was on house arrest I had this reoccuring dream that I was out running around smoking and shit, then I would look down and see my bracelet and then a huge cop chase would ensue. It scared the shit out of me everynight haha.
  6. i had a dream about gc once- i think it means i spend too much time on gc
  7. Thanks to all the people that replied. Good tokes and keep on smokin' :bongin:
  8. last night i dreamt that i was watching some bald guy and woman fighting a white fire breathing dragon

    oh and it took place in the houses of parliament in London

    ..i dont know what it means

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