well let me start by saying i am not doing this to sell just for personal fun n usage if possible lol i got the seeds from same very decent mids/high from jamaica i planet the seeds 7/or 8 last week thursday and they started sprouting on monday let me know what you think any tips etc btw i will be moving the plant outdoors once they get bigger but since the weather has been raining heavy ill keep them on my sil enjoy monday/tuesday wens/thursday friday am 4:20
appriciate it man. lol nd is it me or is this shit growing like wild fire since last night they have grown about another inch how many times a week should i water the plant?
Yeah mang those little guys will rock and roll if a F1 cross with great vigor. Be sure to start them on full sun early and as long as your soil drains well and has good areation, you should water seedlings with water only morning and night (maybe some Liquid Karma if you can spare $30) until the first little round leaves (cotelydons) are gone. the seedlings feed on these in the beginning. Then, hit them with Alaska fish ferts; that stuff is good, organic, and cheap. I will ride this one out with you bro. edit - Just saw these were Jamacan beans... cool man. Are they Lamb's Bread by chance? most likely a Blue Berry x landrace satty if commercial stuff. The dealio is that whatever they are, they will be LONG flowering. You will have to keep height in control by pruning, bending, or just let them reach for the sky. If I were you I would definitely take clones from every plant, make mums, and be able to work this strain in the future if you dig it. If you don't like it, then you can toss the clones i the compost. Peace Eld
yo nuff respect to u for tha insight i jus seperated them into 7 pots so they'r by them self i put 3 outside 3 in my outdoor room and i got 1 sitting on my window still that liquid karma ahh ill take a rain check and i jus looked in the back and realized my grandmother has 3 conatiners of tha alaskan fish shit lol and about if theyr lamb bread or not idk i got them from a dread and i know most of them use that ish religiously so i wouldnt be suprised ill just have to wait and see il lkeep you guys posted
that looks awesome all of em growin together lol they lookin pretty good tho man ill be watchin.... they grow sooo quick....
UPDATED PICS friday seperated pics + some minor products 9/12 pm it was hot all day then rained towards 7pm now i realized i subliminally turned this into a experiment i have 1 on my window (semi controlled) 3 in my out door room(also semi controlled but with less control than the 1 on my window) 3 in the rear of my house( east no control) and 1 in side/front/back(east and west , no control) and so far it looks like the one by the statue is growing the best i also have 1 in my bathroom in a small pod that is full controlled i have a heated lamp in there so i leave it on when im home and suprisingly i planed it on monday and it sprouted today now i dont think its going to last because no sun and it looks weak but i wanna see how big it gets stay tuned...
so i went out this mourning to check on themseemin that how hot it is and how it rained last night and i found that the 1 on the side of the house got eaten by idk what lizard? slug idk but the devoured it clean off and it was looking the strongest too oh well i guess the grunt will have to take his place also one of the 3 in the outdoor room was terribly weathered idk why or how tho so i proper it up as best as i could and moved all of the plants to the back of the house to direct sunlight .the others are doing well and starting to open up ..stay tuned
update!!! well about 4 of the plants died but i have 1 im focusing on the most and i have 3 outside that are also doing reasonably good too DAY 16 about 12 hr sunlight 8hr cfl ps the plant is not yellow i guess its tha way it looks with my cameras flash and the cfl
If those guys are getting good light, then you got a helluva plant on the way. It sure is stretching. Remember that the amount of growth you see above ground is similar to what is under ground. I would transplant again into three gallon pots that you can score for free behind a garden supply... just ask and they will give em to ya. Bury them up to close to that first good leaf node and cover most of that stem with soil, roots will form from the stem and make it more stable. One with that growth may end up getting light stress outdoors in the winter even in FL... just keep an eye on it and think about if you have space inside to build a little cabinet to grow it under lights. If thats not an option, just give it the best light you can. When the plant gets to be two months old there abouts it will be sexually mature and ready to flower. Little ways to go until then though. Pick up a good grow book if you can spare twenty bucks. Really helped me in the beginning. Peace Eld
i jus found out today that my grandmother threw the ones outside out so i guess its only el numero uno oh well but i think i might be able to keep it in the house . i jus started it today on alil fish ferts n lest see how it responds. appriciate the insight bro
DAY 25 been on a 20hr light cycle feeding about once evry 2-3 days and started it on alaskan fish fert omg that shit stinks but the plant loves it also im seeing little sprouts from btween stems im not sure if its new stems or the gender? sorry for the bad pic but its the best i could do
Oh yeah...trucking right along. Those things are leaf nodes, soon it will show sex. Seeing as how this seeems to be more of a indoor thread, you may want to have a mod move it for you to get more response. Keep up the fish ferts and alternate with plain water.
idk if its normal but some of the lower leaves have some discoloration like redishness in the middle of the leaves .. is that a deficiancy or could it be the strain?
as long as the plants are growing healthy, and it looks like they are, don't worry about the red stems on the leaves. most of the strains i've grown have been like that. i've read that some plants are predisposed to be that way. If the red stems are followed by yellowing leaves it is an early sign of a nitrogen deficiency. Flush thoroughly with a mild nutrient solution. seems like the fish stuff you're using is working but i prefer a a 1 or 2 part fert like fox farm's grow big or advanced nutrients sensi grow a & b. good luck