drawing and painting videos

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by BadUncing69, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. #1 BadUncing69, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    Great place to put up some sick art. Post pictures, video links or anything that has to do with art in the making or just your artwork in general.:)

    for example hears some of the stuff that i have been working on.





  2. Nice work, man!
    How do you use your Windsor Newton inks? I just bought a set and using the pen and ink was pretty interesting but I haven't experimented much yet. I mean, do you use them as water colors too?

    Recent self portrait
  3. Thats sick dude. The vids are awsome. Its like im watching your mind work, simply amazing
  4. I used the faber castells too! i really like the watercolor..
  5. well for the winsor and newton inks i just use a standard pen and ink quill if you know what i mean and just change the points according to how thick or thin i want the line to be. or you can also use a really fine brush and just dip it in, but be sure to not cross contaminate any of your inks with other colors or else the ink will turn into doo-doo.. OOh! another really really fun thing to do with the inks is to get the really thick watercolor paper and soak it in water for a bit and use a brush and bleed the ink into the paper and make cool designs

    also thats a kicken self portrait i have yet to do one of myself

    and if you want some really good drawing paper get bristol paper, ha i use it for everything plus it looks a bit more professional when your done with your stuff
  6. good shit man

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