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Drawin on papers then rolling with them

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Ihoptommmbop, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Does anyone know if it's unhealthy to smoke papers that you've drawn on? It seems like it could either be totally awesome and hilarious or a terrible idea. Thoughts?
  2. Shitty idea. Thats groossss. Smoking ink? might as well go smoke a joint rolled from a doctor suess book.
    Just my thoughts..
  3. Kind of un-necessary and .. Idk.
    Why take the risk? Ofcourse it's less healthy then smoking without drawing on it so that should make your decision there. But hey do whatever u want man. I think a fine rolled cone is beautiful as is ;)
  4. Nope, don't do that. It's toxic.
    However, it isn't toxic if you use 'soya ink'. That's what juicy jay rolling papers are printed with (for the fruit/flavour pattern), so soya ink is safe to smoke.
  5. If you have to ask..
  6. I was gonna say it depends on what you are drawing on it with..
    But, now that I think about it.... I cant think of anything that wouldnt be toxic.
    I'd say it's a no go.
  7. why the hell would you do that?
  8. I figured. It wasnt really a serious question, just an "oh hey wouldnt it be funny if" moment that warranted investigation.
  9. People smoke bible paper, go for it.

  10. Yeah it's not a great idea.
  11. When we was little kids we would dip our joints in embalming fluid and laugh and giggle and eat all the cookies! It was Turrible Turrible!


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