I found this video of a story, stating Dr. Dre's son died.. supposedly he was out on the town, and his mother found him unresponsive in the morning so she called 911. Seems like a lot of people in the celebrity world are having to deal with death lately heres the link: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/showbiz/2008/08/26/hammer.showbiz.tuesday.cnn
i read about that yesterday morning, actually. it's a sad thing. Although, i do believe he was only 20.
I remember reading somewhere that dre and his son havent even talked since 1999. I do not even think they kept contact. RIP though
Damn that dude used to go to my high school. Pretty goofy kid from what I remember, no disrespect. RIP for lil dre
I hate hearing shit like this. I had my hopes up for Detox... But shit, his son's dead and that's more important.
When people have too much money and access to too many drugs its a recipe for disaster....The curse of success I suppose.
shit like this happens everyday. Let's make a big deal about it because it was Dr. Dre's son. wtf? What about the mother who found her son dead that wasn't famous? People are people.
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon Little boy blue and the man on the moon When you comin' home dad? I don't know when, but we'll get together then son You know we'll have a good time then rip
Well sure, I can tell ya that. My homeboy killed himself and my aunt tryed to kill herself jus this month. But thats here or there. Jus like this, Its sad, Period.