Downstem and Bowlhead price?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by That0neDude420, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. bought a 120 dollar percolated bong, within the first week broke down stem, and a friend broke my bowl head. how much do you think it would cost for a new bowlhead and downstem? i dont know the joint size but im sure i can figure it out but if i could get a pricing range it would be awesome.

  2. Bout $100 total most likely. Just check out ur lhs.
  3. id say about 80
  4. id say you can get a bowl/stem (not gunna be anything more then a generic stem and bowl) for 40 bucks. you can get a ALexK for 40 bucks and a LW DD bowl for 30.

    LOL at the people saying 100 or 80 bucks lol clowns
  5. The range would be about $25 - $300+ depending on exactly what types, what brands, and where you buy them.
  6. he bought a percd bong for 120 dollars, hes not gunna drop 300 on a stem/bowl. some people on this site are absolutely ridiculous,
  7. id say like 80
  8. thanks people
  9. no problem brahski
  10. Well i was currently at my headshop and the have glass on glass stems for 25. And there cheapest bowl is 15.

    So your not looking at too much cash. I also recommend etsy.
  11. Whoa do you guys buy like gold plated bowls? 80-100 bahahaha

    I've seen a diffused downstem for as cheap as 12 dollars, don't spend more than 20-30.

    Bowls I've seen pretty damn cheap, even for wide-gauge glass on glass. 8-12 is pretty cheap, 15-20 is about the highest you should go.

    Max 50 dollars dude, and that's if you try to get a color scheme or some shit.
  12. It sounds like you dont know anything about nice/heady glass. While you can get stuff at those prices, it is worth paying more for the nicer stuff.

    OP; Take 50 bucks to your headshop and you'll be able to leave with what you need.
  13. I just picked up an Alex K showerhead downstem and a Ben Wilson disc diffused bowl from alt for less than $90 shipped. So that would be my recommendation. :smoke:
  14. I know about heady glass and NICE bowls... but I don't think that applies when I hear this statement:

    I dunno if I'm you I start with a plain stem/bowl until I can have it last longer than a week haha. But yeah your right those prices aren't unheard of if your getting high-quality.

  15. know you audience when speaking to someone... the OP bought a peculated bong for 120 dollars, without seeing it id assume its a non named, prolly china glass tube, i dont think hes getting anything high end or heady. He prolly wants a regular slit diffused downstem, and a clear coned or bubble bowl. which if you ask me is the good choice, i dont like my alexk or leisure 6arm in my beaker, i like them in my roor vertical A/C and use it as a bubbler with my j-hook.

    and the LW and AleK that i posted can be had for 70 plus shipping, and thats a top notch (non heady) setup, the only non heady option that is better would be the leisure 6arm downstem for 60 dollars, but i have both and the alexK is superior IMO.
  16. Lol that is no help at all. If you get a regular ass downstem and bowl I say no more than $60.

  17. OK I'll bite.

    It was a helpful reply and added useful feedback to that which the OP already had received (quite little).

    No one had yet pointed out that you can put together a perfectly workable slide and downstem set for as little as ~$25. And this is pretty relevant for the OPs situation, no? If he decides that's the direction he wants to go and follows up for more details, I'd be happy to continue the dialog.

    And how is it not helpful to know there is a big spectrum of things to buy out there? And maybe conclude you just need to do a bit more research to narrow down exactly what you're looking for?

    No shit ...OPs probably not spending 300 on a stem and bowl.
    But maybe the idea of expensive glass is new and interesting. Maybe he never seen high end pieces before and goes and starts looking around. Even if he doesn't buy something, maybe checking out some heady shit for the first time makes his day just a little brighter.
    Or not... so what? I guess I just don't get why I'm "ridiculous"? :confused_2:
  18. 20 for the bowl 25 for the D/S
  19. I never suggested he buy anything heady. You oviously didnt read the whole thread and just had to call somebody on something.

    OP; Pick up a stem and bowl yet?

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