Hey grasscity people, fucking steam, I'm currently downloading GTA IV on steam it's now been 24 hours, fuck me im bored of this shit 3 hours ago steam told me the download would finish now but guess what... I'm still waiting 3 shitty hours to download i'm on 60 % atm.. tbh i wouldn't of bought it if it was this slow, i find that steam is always this slow when it comes to games, i think i took me about 2 days for mw3 that was agonising knowing i had the game but not being able to play! what about you? how long does it take to download big games? O
I personally have actually never found a service better than steam for digital game purchases. I get an avg down speed of 1.5-2.5 mb/s and usually a game won't take more than 1-3 hours depending on the size. Make sure your bandwidth isn't be throttled or being used by something else to get an ideal connection. Last purchase was fallout new vegas from the summer sale, it took about 1 hour total.
your one lucky stony gamer, my shit takes years to download my god, i literally have every thing that uses wifi off, i dont know what else it could be when i use speedtest.net i get an f- cause my service provider are shit aswell but im really close to the exchange
Sounds like it might be your connection with your ISP. With steam the download speeds are something they have covered very well. Are you using a wired connection? Also for the speedtest results are the problems with download/upload or is it latency? I've not really heard many problems where people have trouble downloading from steam. Do you have any PC games that you can play online now without any issues with connection?
im a wired connection, i can play games without lag but only europe servers and some american ones, i normally get 40-100 ping
that sucks. it took 2 hours for GTA IV for me. average DL on steam is 2mb/s or up. sometimes averages out at 1.8mb/s hardline network connection on a 100mb/s speed. verizon fios. i would die if every game took 24 hours. GTA isnt even that big, i have games that are 17GB or more... lol actually just checked GTA is like 15.6 GB steam says. pretty big...
mine downloaded hella fast too for some reason.... lol i think it was like 7 though the highest i saw.
i dunno whats up with ur situation but im in the US, with standard xfinity, and the last 4 steam games took about 20 min to download and install. granted they weren't as big as gta. and i know gta isn't that big but portal took about 5 min, MTG: DotP 2013 took about 5 min, Tribes acend took 5 min and Killing floor took about 5...maybe 10 min. oddly enough sim city 4 took about 25 min.
im gonna email the service provider, they say the come round to your area to check if theirs any problems... worth a try
Portal = 5gb and GTA = 15GB.... triple the size. and you must have a crazy good connection because portal took like 25 minutes for me... what speed connection are you paying for and what are you getting?
dunno it's broadband and tv plan thing supposed to be like 15mb or some shit, was like three years ago
I dl'd this demo a few months ago and I deleted it off my pc but it's still listed on steam. I've tried every option through steam to get ride of it but no luck. I don't use it much because my pc isn't really cut out from gaming. Anybody have some insight on this?
[quote name='"SativaBreather"'] dunno it's broadband and tv plan thing supposed to be like 15mb or some shit, was like three years ago[/quote] Upgrade to 30mbs or more. No less for FL files and playing online
holy fuck thats slow, and the fastest it went is 710 kb/s. i would fucking cry you realize that the other one is going to take just as long right? lol do a speedtest on speedtest.net and post screen @ the guy about removing games from library, just right click the game in your library, and hit delete local content. should remove everything including from your library.
yea man thats fucked as hell. i would get a new provider or something. that is so bad... while streaming HD on netflix, with my brother using Xbox live on wifi, and other brother on netflix using wifi. this is also with powerline adapter so im not even connected directly to router...
Yeah I get a steady 20-22mbps on speedtest and 3-5mbps upload. And that's too slow for me. I miss my 100mbps connection. Def worth $100 a no. Avoid DSL and satellite internet like the plauge