Down with the tent

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Gatorsgrow, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. Decided I didn't want to mess around with growing in the basement, so I decided to build a new grow room in the space I was using already 17029542659591011536687171264708.jpg
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  2. Nasty rain on the east coast, floor isn't always wet
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. I'll run the wiring today when I get home from work,then I can do the drywall after the holidays,I'm hoping that the lights put off enough heat so I don't have to insulate the walls or run duct work from the furnace
  4. Ashtry for ciggie butts would help keeping the trash down, quick dry cement for a level bug free surface, level then shower with water, don't forget to include 2-3 drains, a cheap vent too
    hope for your sake the roof is at least water proof

    good luck
  5. Building out a room is so rewarding. During your first grow in there you’ll ask yourself “why didn’t I do this a long time ago.”
    @Vee had some good suggestions. I can’t live with my deep sink. Another item I find useful is a hose bib and hose that reach what needs to be washed or filled.
    Plan your new space well and it will serve you well.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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