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Double Koosh Macro pics

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by dagobaker, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. some pics of the double koosh nug im about to grind
    this strain is so unstable its crazy......every plant looks different......although its just diff kinds of dank
    peeps need to stablize their strains if they are going to release them.........

    Attached Files:

  2. sick :hello:

    i want some :smoke:
  3. I keep hearing alot about how genetics are getting fucked up becuase people just care more about money than anything..i don't grow so im not so educated on this

    Looks like some great nug though...
  4. damnn thats frosty!:eek:
  5. this is a strain for pure head stash
    zero yield but the dankess from heaven
    its almost impossible to grind this
  6. What was your aprox. yield per plant?
    Gotta love when its a nuisance just to grind your bud...:p
  7. i would say maybe a zip per plant
    if u grew them up and topped them a few times u could hit 2 but u better expect 3 months veg time for that.............
  8. this king sized raw joint has been very nice
  9. shiiiit looks good man. Should make for a good super sunday! GO PACKERS!

    I'd rep you, but I can't :p
  10. i dont really like either team.........and since i like the browns ill just root for the commercials and any hotties i see
  11. #12 NY Purple Haze, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011


    Sannie is one of the cheapest with most quality genetics. they might not be fully stabilized but he doesn't cut corners on mothers or fathers when it comes to breeding. i'm sorry to hear you weren't satisfied dago, these are Motarebel right?
  12. Some strains have a lot of different pheno types. The only way to guarantee them to be all the same pheno is to do clones as far as I know. I grew out Ice and had a bunch of different phenos but you could tell it was still the same strain.
  13. sannies seeds sells the seeds as they are
    they call them f3 or f6
    thse are carried by sannies but not sannies
    im not disappointed since they were 50$ and they are dank
    just not commercial worth

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