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Dosing in my morning coffee and evening tea?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Dreadlocker, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Hello, I am a new MMJ patient and would like to start smoking less and eating more. For example, I know there are recipes that produce cocnut oil, which you can add into a cup of coffee and not have it ruin the coffee. now, i usally drink coffee black.

    I am wondering what sort of options I have in this area, preferably recipes that can use shake/frostytrim.

    Thanks for any ideas, and if anyone has info on making a coconut oil extract plleae post it up.
  2. i came running when i saw dosing coffee, but i'm obviously thinking about something a little different ;) :hippie:
  3. #3 hoboleader, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    if u simmer the cannabis in a cream life half and half, it should work. then add that green cream to the coffee lol. might taste nasty though. not sure.

    or you could just eat cannabutter in pills, you can buy empty pills at stores that have pharmacies. or online i think.
  4. i would like something that i could just simply add into the coffee. (drip coffee)

    i know the cocunut oil is good, just not how to make it. when i had it, it was like solid flakes of coconut oil that disovled in the coffee.

  5. ok maybe im not being clear, but im basically looking for the cocnujt oil recipe, or some other good idea for coffee. im not putting peanut butter in my coffee lol. i have cooked with weed before :)

    i know about weed teas and peanut butter, and cannabutter, milk extracts, etc.

    one think i have not tried is a tincture? how strong are these usally?
  6. just cook the weed using oil or butter, and put it in empty pills like i said. There called empty gelatin capsules. and take one with your coffee. this way the flavor of your coffee isnt altered.
  7. ok your advice has been noted thanks but my question still stands. maybe some1 knows i hope or has this recipe.!
  8. #8 dirtydingusus, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    sense no ones advice is acceptable .... take your question to the search option at the top of the page where you should have taken it to begin with;):smoke: best of luck to you

    you may not have noticed...but the link to the oil thread that would give you exactly what you are looking for ....was in my original post.....
  9. I dose daily with my morning coffee...

    The two methods i prefer are chocolate & GD/tincture.
    Both taste really good in my coffee....

    For the GD/tincture here is the method i use...

    For Chocolate I grind 10 grams of material as fine as i can (coffe grinder) almost to a powder. I then heat it in about 3-1/2 to 4 tablespoons of oil... @ a simmer for about 20-30 minutes. Strain. Melt a Family size Hershey bar in a double boiler. Add the oil and stir till smooth. Remove from heat and cool for 5 minutes. Put back on heat and stir till smooth. Now remove from heat and pour into a mold (I use the top of a tubberware container.) Freeze till set. I usually then score the new chocolate bar into 10 even pieces. Break off one of these and melt it in your coffee for great results... If you want to get creative with it heres my guide for making pretty candies...
  10. Best way is to make some high quality cannabutter and add a small slice to your coffee.

    When we used to get gorgeous homemade butter, adding to coffee gave it a rich and velvety taste, why not practice it with cannabutter instead?? :D

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