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Dosing amounts for cannabutter

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Jacthejays, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. I took one stick of butter and added 10g of marijuana, how much is the dose in one tablespoon?

  2. No idea. I watched a video a while back on making canna butter and the lady used 1 once of premium bud for 1 pound of butter but I don't think they ever mentioned about the potency of the product after it was made. Google it. You might come up with a formula to figure it out. TWW
  3. #3 A guy, Oct 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2015
    ~8 tablespoons in a stick of butter. 10 / 8 = 1.25 g of marijuana per tablespoon, assuming 100% extraction.

    I recently made cannabutter with 1 oz of my homegrown bud in a lb of butter. I made 42 shortbread cookies. The first night my wife and I split a cookie. I had to stay up all night with her, she thought she was going to stop breathing. 1/6th - 1/8th of a cookie is sufficient for me to enjoy a mellow buzz.

    So my dosage turned out to be ~.88 grams per tablespoon. I'm guessing your cannabutter would be very strong if your cannabis was as strong as mine and your extraction method and method of preparation was at least as effective as mine.
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  4. rule of thumb is, that 10 grams of herb will infuse 1 gram of 'good stuff'

    if the stick is 4oz aka 1/2 cup, then that would be splitting it into 8 you 125mg in a tbsp


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