Dose any one else think Communism dosnt sound that bad?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tommydaboy, May 10, 2010.

  1. Evo Morales ain't no dictator bro :wave:
  2. I don't remember naming names... hmm, odd.

  3. Caught me there...

    Well, I guess I am the one who named the names... They don't call me The Namer Of Names in these parts for nothing. :D

    Either way, Evo Morales leadership in Bolivia is a nice example of socialism that's working out quite well. The man's quite a hero in my opinion, he's absolutely commited to the cause and is quite selfless about it - for instance, he sliced his paycheck in half and refuses to live like some kind of prince. He's doing good things indeed.
  4. If your idea of creating more poverty out of a country that's already mostly impoverished, I guess that classifies you as a hero. To get out of poverty, you need to liberalize property rights, and maximize free association in your economy. Neither of which he's done, and poverty has gone up since he came to office.

    Anyways, Chavez-'I want to rule until 2030' is a good example of a socialist dictator.
  5. Having the government take control of the free market, production, and telling you what to do, what to say, how to live sounds like a good idea? You want to be babysitted by the government for the rest of your life? Damn....... your life must suck.
  6. Yeah but what do you give up for government policies that do that? They take away all your freedom. A well fed dog is secure but he has no freedom.

    What do you value more freedom or security?

    To dicerctly answer: Yes communism sounds realy fucking bad. I hate people why should I be forced to help them.
  7. Chavez is more of a bully than anything.

    Where are you getting these claims of an increase in poverty from? He's increased minimum wage by 50%, and is planning to increase it more. People are getting paid more, how has poverty increased?
  8. It's basic economics that raising the minimum wage leads to more poverty. When you force employers to pay their workers more, without an increase in productivity, you create an economic incentive to hire less people. David Neumark, a Harvard-graduate economist has studied the effects of minimum wage laws (namely increases) on the already-impoverished and minority communities, and he seems pretty confident that minimum wage laws are destructive.
  9. Dude increased minimum wage makes it more expensive to hire workers thus bussiness's will hire less workers thus there will be a higher rate of unemployment. Oh well thats easy to fix just tax the people who are making money to pay for the people who can't work!!! Yeah thats a great long term solution.

    See how socialism causes un-anticcipated secondary effects on the market?
  10. Communism is bad but it tastes so good. Its my favorite drink from Bevmo.

  11. Communism.

    It always goes down smooth.
  12. Firstly, this is theoretical - unless there are figures out there that show an increase in Bolivian poverty since Morales came to power, then it remains theoretical.

    Second, Bolivia's economy is heavily based in its natural gas, lithium and other big industries. Imposing minimum wage laws hardly effects these giants, who are now largely nationalised anyhow.

    On top of that, around 6 out of 10 workers in Bolivia apparently make a living in the informal economy, so the minimum wage laws don't really effect them.

    Well, you just anticipated these effects, so I guess we can't quite call them unanticipated ;)

    As I said, where the workers are actually employed in the formal economy it's mainly in the big industries of gas, oil etc. Those that aren't nationalised are filthy rich and can easily afford to employ just as many workers under the minimum wage requirements as they could before, and those that are nationalised are obviously government property - and as a socialist government, obviously Morales wants to protect those jobs, employ more workers and generally keep everyone happy. Since profit isn't a motive in the same way it is under a private boss, they can afford to do this. See, it's not so bad, one could even say it's all good! :D

  13. No man your life sucks because you can't grasp the concept of what Marxism is. Totilitarian leaders and dictators exploit the working class for personel gain, they were corrupt, the idea of communism which you obviously don't know anything about is not that of total dismissal of all liberties, it's the abolishment of social classes, come on people
  14. He's just trying to argue. I wouldn't go as far as to say he is a troll but every post is fallacious opposition with no winning possibilities other than the imaginary ones he has already created for himself.

    Communism has never worked and never will work. A capitalistic anarchy is the solution to everyones' problems.
  15. Dude, why do you insist on calling me a troll? Every post? What the fuck are you talking about, every post? You've read the grand total of maybe five of my posts...

    I'm not trying to argue for the sake of it, look at the fucking facts. Bolivia has nationalised gas, hydrocarbon and some of its lithium stocks. You cannot deny this. You cannot deny that imposing minimum wage on a socialised industry won't have a negative effect because the laws governing a socialised industry are different to the economic laws governing a capitalist industry - in capitalism, the boss wants to cut his losses and maximise his profits, and so fires workers and hires less because of the minimum wage etc. Socialism is a bit different, the 'boss' isn't trying to do either of these things, the aim is to get the people fed and employed. And that's what Morales has been doing.

    You clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about, and resort to trying to slander me by calling my views 'fallacious opposition' (do you even fucking KNOW what a fallacy is?!) with no 'winning possibilities' (that doesn't even make sense, winning possibilites?) and all the other bullshit you carry on with. On top of that, you didn't actually make a point, you didn't give any kind of intellectual rebuttal whatsoever. You didn't say WHY miminum wage is making Bolivia impoverished - in fact, you've said nothing constructive whatsoever. Pull your head out of your arse and argue on an intellectual level or fuck off back to the play ground.
  16. #36 Herb., May 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2010
    I told you that you were not a troll but thanks for the personal attacks, very like you and also another fallacy. I find it funny you know how many posts of yours I read.

    Do you live in Bolivia? Alright then. This goes back to me reading your posts. Do you live in my brain? Alright then.

    I did not call your views "fallacious oppositions". I called your fallacious oppositions, "fallacious oppositions". Your whole post is just disregarding the facts and insulting me and people like me that debate in a civil way instead of the way you're taking part in as we speak. But I'm glad I could show the community your finest qualities of immaturity, will to insult, and how you cannot accept anyone who doesn't agree with you.

    I also don't need to go back to the play ground because I can simply read, and know, the reason minimum wage is making any country impoverished. And that is because it is more expensive to hire workers. As previous posters have said, this is basic economic understanding and knowledge that should be know before even have a political thought.

    I will now ignore the rest of your posts in this thread as I and many others were forced to do in another. There's just no reasoning or understanding with you. I will, however, continue in a civilized, maturely, and calmly ran debate with other users in this thread who can participate in debate this way. I applaud them for their ability to do so.

    I'm literate so I must be using a thesaurus. Unfortunately for you, I'm not and I've never heard of the website until now.
  17. How many times did you have to search to finish that post, Herb?

    As for the debate, I'd vote for a Marxist system in a heartbeat. It might not be the greatest, but it beats where our "Democracy" has been headed for decades (with 0 sign of improvement).
  18. #38 AHuman, May 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2010

    Quite simply, I was having an intelligent and rational debate with another person (2 people actually) and then you came barging in with your nasty odious little accusations and allegations, meanwhile contributing NOTHING TO THE THREAD WHATSOEVER. Scratch that, you said some lame little 'anarcho-capitalism is the solution' or some bullshit which is PURELY YOUR OPINION WHICH YOU HAVE NOT BACKED UP WITH ANY INTELLIGENT RATIONALISATIONS WHATSOEVER, unlike the facts of Bolivias economy which you are still yet to refute. Let's revisit that post, for confirmation;

    As we can see, no political assertions and nothing fucking constructive to add whatsoever. Nothing like "Well, to the contrary, the figures support a position that blows yours out of the water", nothing like "You're wrong, and here's why..." No, you just come on here and start spouting utter shit, and then try to take the high ground with your catty little remarks.

    Quite simply, if you're not going to launch an argument (a political one, personal attacks are not arguments...) or argue politics then you can get the fuck outta here.
  19. When I was young I asked my homie what communism meant. He said "everybody and everything is regulated and everything is the same." He then went on to say a store clerk makes as much as a brain surgeon. :eek:
  20. #40 Herb., May 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2010
    Myself, and no one else, is required to pose an argument in every post in the Politics forum. Politics is not only about arguing. Sorry but nice try. You're really letting your anger get the better of you and are posting completely non-sensible ideas and really making yourself look like a jack-ass in front of the whole community of over two hundred and fifty thousands members. Glad I could once again shine your true colors by offering words of kindness and maturity. Great to see how you react in the face of those two things. But I must say, being the bigger man just feels so much better.

    Now if there's anything else to be said, let it be said through private messaging. I really think everyone in the Politics forum would appreciate it if you could start doing that from now on besides hijacking every thread posted in for a six paged, irrelevant argument between you and another.

    More insults and childish remarks and assumptions from AHuman. He cannot read 'big' vocabulary words so I'm grammatically incorrect. I destroy his opposition so I'm a troll. I'm insulted for two paragraphs straight so everything he called me, I must be. He doesn't talk politics but then he tells me to talk politics.

    You get the point. Obvious troll, my friends. I'm sorry that I had to deal with him here but I won't be dealing with him any longer. I'm not up for ruining another thread because some people can't sit down, have a bowl, and act like an adult.

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